View Full Version : hiatus hernia etc... here i am again... help

09-07-06, 00:36
I have been doing so well... I even posted on the success board and tempted fate...

Tonight I am doubled up with agony. I have a hiatus hernia and duodenitis as well as many other things and it has flared really really badly today.

I'm taking 30mg of lonsoprozole in the mornings but today it just hasn't helped. I phoned the doc about an hour ago and he told me to take ranitidine as well which I have 150mg. He said to phone back if that didn't settle it and it isn't settling and I know he's going to tell me to go to hospital and I'm terrified. I'm shaking all over, the pain is all over my chest and I think it might be something worse...

I'm so fed up and frightened and I have no-one who can be with me.

Any words of comfort out there?

thanks xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

polly daydream
09-07-06, 01:21
Hi Fee, calm down hun, I'm sure it is'nt anything worse, if you need to go to the hospital, then you must go, you will be in good hands with people that will look after you. I hope you feel better in the morning, let us know how you are getting on.

Best wishes,

Polly x

10-07-06, 15:16
Hi Fee,

So sorry you are feeling so ill. My sister had a hiatal hernia, don't know if they are the same thing, but probably in the same family. I do know they told her to not drink anything bubbly such as beer or things like sodas i.e, cokes, sprites, etc. I'm sure your doctors has already told you this, just thought I'd tell what I know. I do hope you feel better soon. By the way, she was put on a special diet, don't know if you are on one already, if not, you might ask your doctor if they know of such a thing.


"Our thoughts are our reality"

10-07-06, 16:21
Any better today mate????????

Piglet xx

10-07-06, 17:45
Hi polly bel and piglet!:D

thank you for your responses.... I am a little better after ending up at emergency doc on Sat night....

Dosed up with loads of medication, but they don't think anything else is going on. Took today off work sick, still exhausted and some pain but I think it's settling slowly.

I wish I knew what set it off like that, there seemed to be no actual trigger... and I'm so frustrated that I got all the way through my phased return to work without being too bad and never even started my first week back properly...

I didn't panic too much anyway!!! [8D]

Thanks so much again xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

10-07-06, 17:52
Hi Fee,

I'm at least glad you have been seen to, even though it sounds as if you are really having a tough time of it.

Anxiety can be very exhausting and I'm glad you have had a day of work.

Take care,


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

13-07-06, 14:24
Hi Fee,

Just wanted to say hi and I hope things are better for you now. I have been thinking of you lots but lost your mobile number. You have mine so feel free to text anytime. I don't get much of a signal at times but will get the message at some point.

I won't be back online for maybe three weeks yet after they cocked up my broadband order for my new house but I have found an internet cafe today although I may only be here once a week max.

I have updated my post so you can all see how the move went.

I really hope your tummy has settled down and that things are going well for you, especially with work, CBT and with your lovely doggy.

Thinking of you lots mate and miss you.

Love and hugs,

Lisa x x

13-07-06, 16:42
Hi Ray - thanks mate - it ended up being two days - but I went back yesterday although my tummy is still all over the place.... Hope all is still going well with you?

Thanks Lucy - sorry to hear yours is playing up too!!! I just can't get mine settled although I went back to work yesterday. It either hurts really badly or I have the big D or spasms or acid, just seem to be chasing it round it circles... Losec not helping at all in fact GP told me to stop it - just on ranitidine again....

Hi Lisa! So good to hear from you - I'll go look see how you are.... Hope you are settling in hun!

Love to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

13-07-06, 17:12
Hi Fee

Well done for coping so well with all of that. It sounds really nasty and I am sorry you are still suffering now.

Does your GP have any other ideas?

I hope it settles soon and you are feeling better.

Karen xx

14-07-06, 11:29
I too have hiatus hernia, I can totally sympathise with the symptoms! I'm on 20mg of Omeprazole they seem to be helping me a little. I also take renerapize after meals.

Hope you feel better soon.

Take carexx


onwards and upwards

14-07-06, 12:30
Thanks Karen - I will have to go back and see my GP - I just seem to be going round in circles with the meds. To be honest I think I must give up wheat again and I am in denial about it and I ought to pay for shiatsu which really helped when it was bad a few years ago. It just hasn't been properly right since that endoscopy in March. But although I had another really bad night last night I have come to work and I am coping....

Thanks too Clare - sorry you have the same thing, there is an awful lot of us! The Omeprazole didn't work for me although I think it helped more than the lansaprozole... ho hum, on wards and upwards

Love to all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

14-07-06, 19:18
Hi Fee

Shiatsu is good isn't it? It helps lower my anxiety and the therapist was spot on from the very first session when she picked up heart protector as being a major issue for me - in the emotional sense. Perhaps it would be worth giving this another try if it helped in the past.

I hope you've had a better day. You are coping so well getting in to work still when coping with all these symptoms.


Karen xx

18-07-06, 14:00
Hi Fee,

Just checking to see how you are, seems you are coping well mate. It's horrid having symptoms that won't budge isn't it! I am suffering with persistent symptoms too (mainly breathing in my case) but like you managing to work - pair of fighters aren't we lol.

I also just read the like2like site to catch up as had been thinking of sarah on and off and wondering how she was, wow I am so pleased to read of a match! :D I went all tingley and nearly jumped round the library squealing. Thinking of you all and hope it goes well for Sarah.

Take care, love and hugs,

Lisa x x x