View Full Version : Just a quick hello to all

13-05-12, 16:51
have been dipping in and out of the site for a while now but never posted to say hello --- no time like the present.
have suffered with anxiety/depression/panic attacks since 08. Having lost my father, my best friend and 3 others in less than a year.. (what a year that was)
Had a suspected heart attack and a cervical cancer scare, resulting in ops and all the nice things linked to that...then simply fell apart.
My falling apart resulted in huge weight gain as i turned to my best pals, Mr Cadbury and Mrs Pizza for some support which in turn added to my depression...a circle of awfulness.
have had countless counselling sessions and not really managed to get much out of any of them -- i guess its just time and trying to be as normal as possible...Does not help when your sister tells you not to talk to her any more as she can not take any more of your depression and your mother asks you if you are still on the nutter pills !!!!! i support myself as much as possible. Well i am still here so i reckon i am doing ok.xxxx Hope you are all ok too.xxxxx

13-05-12, 16:53
Hi suzibandit

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

13-05-12, 18:34
Hello suzi :)

I've been on this site for about a month or so and have found everyone here to be really friendly and helpful. I'm sure you will too.


13-05-12, 19:20
thank you for the reply.xx working on getting the bike back on the road so am hoping that will help to blow the cobwebs away xxx

14-05-12, 02:05
just saying a quick hello ... i can relate to some of what your feeling xxx :hugs: xxx

14-05-12, 15:05
Hi Suzy, I'm new to this, joined today. Biker too, and that's the way that I get away from it. It goes away. Dreading the winter. Scared to take meds, of yet. I've asked for advice on forum. Wish I could get back to how I was. Scary biscuits.