View Full Version : Panic about chest pain

anx mum
04-04-12, 17:19
Its been about 2 weeks now and im still getting chest pain:weep: it feels like a dull ache in centre of chest really anxious somethings going on even tho doc says heart and lungs sounds ok everyday im in tears cos im so scared what can this be, before this had a really bad cough could it be the strain of that?

04-04-12, 17:36
Yes from coughing you will have strained the muscles

04-04-12, 18:25
took me ages to ignore the chest pain and realise that its not going to harm me and it was just the anxiety, after a month of taking citalopram i feel much better now and the chest pain has gone now, try and relax, i too am a mother of a two yr old and i know its hard to relax but please try, Walking did me the world of good because of the exercise and fresh air. nicola was right though, you probably strained some muscles, walking will help relax you and rid of that anxious pain! hope you start to feel better soon. M x

angel wings
04-04-12, 18:42
wanted to let you know that i know how you feel ive had an annoying chest pain for over a month now from dull aches too sharp pains it also goes down my arm have had an ecg and all fine im sure its something muscular but it still worries me as its constant and effects my breathing sometimes but i know its mt anxiety cause if i get a pain somewhere else the chest pain goes away , distraction is the key i think but proves hard sometimes xxx hope it goes away soon

04-04-12, 20:04
Hi Hun... Long time since we've chatted!! So sorry you're going through a rough patch again, just so you know I've been very up and down with my anxiety too. I have almost all the symptoms of a heart attack everyday.. Chest and back pain, nausea, trouble getting in a deep breath. And I've been to the doctors countless times, the ER more than I'd like to admit and even saw a cardiologist who spent over an hour with me. Every test comes back fine so I know how hard it is to accept that all these horrible sensations are caused by anxiety.

You have had some major successes in recent months, and this is just a temporary setback. Try to keep in mind how much better you were doing and how you do have the strength to get past his bump in the road. Let's both try to trust our doctors more and deal with the anxiety that creates this terribly cycle. PM me if u ever need to chat. Xx

anx mum
04-04-12, 20:07
God so scared went to docs monday do u think its too soon to go again chest pain not letting up just had some co codimal did ur doc just do an ecg?

04-04-12, 20:13
I not only had an EKG, but also an echocardiogram and 24 hour holter monitor. Keep in mind I wanted these extra tests... Doctor was pretty satisfied with just the EKG. Oh and I had a chest X-ray, d dimer blood test, and whatever blood test they do to check for heart attacks. It has been so hard to accept these pains are caused by anxiety, but all these tests can't be wrong right? I have major HA and it seems like no amount of testing is ever satisfying.

What did the doc say when you went on Monday?

anx mum
04-04-12, 20:16
She said my lungs and heart sounded ok sent me for chest xray to be sure cos had a cough for 3 weeks havent had results bk yet but people tell me if something was wrong i would of been called by now dunno just dont feel well

04-04-12, 20:21
Hi everyone.
The series of events that has transpired over the past two months has driven me straight into anxiety issues to the point where I have had two full blown panic attacks.
Back in February I started to feel pain in my underarms....it wasn't muscle related. It felt like it was my lymph nodes. I decided to ignore it and chalk it up to PMS, as I had this months earlier right before my "time" and it went away.
Well, about three days in, the node pain had entered my neck as well. I thought for sure I was getting sick. I decided to go to the Dr., so I went to one of our local walk-in clinics. I saw the Dr. who gave me a pretty vigorous booby check, including my armpits. She also felt my neck. After she proceeded to tell me that my nodes were not swollen. She chalked the armpit pain up to PMS and the neck node pain to nighttime nasal drip.
About a week later, the pain was still there. I went to yet another walk-in clinic. (I chose the two walk-ins because I knew I could see someone ASAP that way, unlike waiting to see my regular Dr.)
Anyway, prior to this visit, I started taking Amoxicillian that my husband had left over from a bad tooth. I also began taking his Ibruprofen 800 MG tabs for the pain.
When I saw this second Dr at the second walk-in, she checked my neck and stated there was no swelling. She also contributed my underarm pain to PMS. She also stated that because I grind my teeth at night that I have TMJ, which could also make the neck sore. She decided to do a swab for strep while I was there, which came back normal. Once again, I left with zero answers as to what was going on.
I finally made an appointment with my regular Dr. He check me out, felt my glands and proceeded to say there was no swelling just like the other two Dr's said.
Ok, here is where I am confused....how can you have pain in the nodes with no swelling?
Anyway, he prescribed amoxicillian for me and said that because I had started taking my husbands amoxicillian before the swab the last Dr did, that could give a negative strep reading. He figured if I do have strep, having a full course of Amoxicillian would kick it out. He also sent me to the lab department to have blood drawn. He said he wanted to narrow out the "bad stuff". Hearing this sent me into a complete tizz.
Well, needless to say my blood tests came back normal. However, my symptoms seemed to be getting worse. I also would like to add that all I did was worry about what was wrong with me. All the nodes in my body began to hurt. I started to suffer from fatigue, insomnia, and all over body aches. I had night sweats too. I also started to notice that I felt "shakey". Usually I awoke with this feeling. I also began awakening with the feeing of "dread" in my stomach. I was convinced that I had something bad like the "C" word.
Well, as the days passed I started to notice I was feeling more like myself here and there. It started by having a few good hrs, to having a good day here and there. Lately it has not been bad, but I have also noticed that all the node pain disappeared except for little twinges I get in my neck.
Well, two days ago I noticed that my ribs hurt all the way around. What I mean by this is they feel tender, especially to touch, starting from my sides on the L all the way around to the R. My shoulder blades also hurt along with my chest across the top directly under my collarbone. When I push on these spots, they hurt.
I have read that having anxiety attacks can make your ribs tender. Has anyone else experienced this? I have read about costocondritis (sp?) and it does kind of sound like what I have EXCEPT it DOES NOT hurt when I cough. Apparently with costocondritis coughing is suppose to be hell. I don't have that, which makes me wonder then why my ribs are so tender. Maybe it is from my anxiety? I have also been told that it sounds like I have Fibromyalgia which includes having anxiety.
Let me tell you....I love having the internet to be able to find dicussion boards like this to talk to people who have similar issues, but at the same time I think the internet has made my anxiety worse considering all the bad stuff that comes up when I type in my symptoms. :wacko:

angel wings
04-04-12, 20:23
my dr said he would do an ecg just incase as it had been going on for a long time, it came back fine but if you have had a cough for a long time it would cause some chest pain,if you are worried there is no harm in asking to have one done just to put your mind at rest x

anx mum
04-04-12, 20:37
Thanks for your replys think if im no better by friday will ask dr for an ecg just to put my mind at rest

anx mum
05-04-12, 20:33
Rung my gp today felt awful nothing was working for chest was in tears she suggested i went to surgery for an ecg as with the bank holiday coming up to my surprise it was fine doc said its probly all the coughing ive been doing just wish i was bk to my normal self. Can an ecg tell most things?

angel wings
05-04-12, 20:42

glad you managed to get an ecg so soon and all was ok ecg measures your heart rhythm is normal and can detect if your having or have had a heart attack.

ive had bad chest pains too today it so annoying wish they would do one xx

anx mum
05-04-12, 20:54
Yeah todays been quite bad woke up with chest pains called doc she knew i was upset thats why i think she did one. My chest has been so sore been taking co codimal tried everything. R u getting chest pains too?

angel wings
05-04-12, 20:59
yes mine are in the centre ,left side and down my left arm at the moment i feel like i have been winded but in the chest area it is painful too like a contant dull ache :mad:

anx mum
05-04-12, 21:00
yeh same here is it a constant pain? R u taking any painkillers?

angel wings
05-04-12, 21:48
i have done in the past ... co codamal but it doesnt do anything apart from make me dizzy it doesnt get rid of the chest pain so i dont bother anymore

06-04-12, 17:10
Its been about 2 weeks now and im still getting chest pain:weep: it feels like a dull ache in centre of chest really anxious somethings going on even tho doc says heart and lungs sounds ok everyday im in tears cos im so scared what can this be, before this had a really bad cough could it be the strain of that?

Hi anx mum. I have one word that could sum up for you "Costochondritis" sound to be a very likely cause of your pain. I know as i am one of the unlucky ones who suffer from this.

Costochondritis is a inflammation of the junctions where the upper ribs join with the cartilage that holds them to the breastbone, So causes pain around the centre of the chest and can travel around that area it does not show on x-rays or anything like that and is relieved by taking anti-inflammatory medications.

It can be caused by coughing and by putting strain on the chest.
I know people say dont google but type "costochondritis and coughing" and you may come up with something that sound like what you COULD have.

Costochondritis is a very common thing affect women more than men and also many athletes who use upper body strength.

IF it is Costochondritis it is a case of rest and warmth for a few weeks to help it heal.

Ask the doctor about it after easter as not alot of doctors know about it or even think about it.

Hope you have a good easter and plenty of choc eggs.

anx mum
06-04-12, 17:19
Thanks for that really panicking today my chest hurts and been getting pain in my left arm only had ecg yesterday god so scared this is something bad:weep:

06-04-12, 17:37
Thanks for that really panicking today my chest hurts and been getting pain in my left arm only had ecg yesterday god so scared this is something bad:weep:

I really understand what you are saying when i first got Costochondritis (not sayin this is what you have got) I was doubled over in pain across my chest and left shoulder/arm i would cry in pure pain but put it off for about 6 months before going to the doctor fearing the worst.

I was unable to move with out being in pain and at night i would wake with the pain in my chest and not wake anyone else in the house and kneel at the end of the bed crying my eyes out with pain always fearing the worst.

So believe me i understand chedt pain and the effects it can have on you.
You say you have had a chest x-ray and that was clear that is a good thing and your ecg was ok that is a brill out come. As your doctor about Costochondritis but in the mean time try in you are laying down cuddle a pillow close to your chest helps support the rib gage and gives warmth to the chest muscles IF it is Costochondritis or a chest wall pain.

But as ever with chest pain if it gets to the point that it is really bad phone nhs direct and go from their.

Just to ad if you had a ecg yesterday and had had really bad chest pain before that and if it was heart related the ecg would have picked that up SO your pain must be coming from the chest wall ie not heart related and the x-ray ruled out the lungs. From my understanding (I have had loads of ecgs and chest x-rays in the last 3 years)

anx mum
06-04-12, 18:16
is there anything to diagnoise this condition is pain like a dull ache in centre of chest?

06-04-12, 18:25
Hi anx mum,
I suffer from HA and get chest pains everyday! over the last 5days tho i have had constant chest pain like you describe a dull aching pain right across centre of my chest and left side chest that spreads into my left arm! I have had a number of ECG's and blood work all come back fine, my heart sometimes feels like it is wobbling sort off instead of beating (hard to describe) and i can get stabbing pains as well, anyways my GP as said that because i worry so much everyday about my heart and chest that the pain i am most likely feeling is from the tension in the chest muscles the more we focus on the feelings the more tense we become without knowing it.
Hope your well soon!

anx mum
06-04-12, 18:28
thanks hun u been taking any painkillers for this? Does anything help?

06-04-12, 18:34
Is there anything to diagnoise "NO" its a case of ruling out the heart so a ecg and also the lungs a x-ray and also past medical history ie heart problams in the family and then the doctor could say costochondritis.

And the pain that can be felt from costochondritis can be mild to extreme (mine was extreme for the 6 months) it can be pressure in the chest it can be tightness it can be felt as pretty much anything. I know that is not very much help but it is a strange condition BUT i repeat BUT if it is costochondritis it is NOT life threatening but a case of letting time heal it and hopefully never coming back.

Costochondritis does not show on x-rays or any scans. And is self healing but as i said it is a very comman thing they say at some stage in life everyone will have it in some form ie very mild to as in my case long term.

Here are 2 very usefull links to look at may help you with your pain ie costochondritis or chest wall pain, As it sound like your doctor has ruled out the heart and lung as the cause.

http://www.emedicinehealth.com/costochondritis/article_em.htm and also this 1 from a fellow suffer http://www.ergomatters.co.uk/blog/rsi/costochondritis-a-pain-in-the-chest/ he has answered some good questions (all be it a few from me Chris).

But as I said this is just one thing that could be the cause but if it gets worse please consult nhs direct of you doctor.

06-04-12, 18:41
Nope i dont take anything try ibuprofen if you can take it, meant to help muscles and that i think lol, i have tried painkillers many times before but nothing i still feel the same, i have felt like this over a year now i wouldnt leave the house because of it but i think just now i am accepting my symptons i suppose if out bad was going to happen surely it would of happened by now, remember anxiety can do what ever it wants and everything with my chest and heart i have felt!

08-04-12, 23:13
xtremx, thank you for the link about costochondritis. I've been having chest pain for weeks, it's tender when I press the rib area and hurts when I breathe in and move my upper body. I've also had a long-lasting viral infection with a bad cough so when I read the description of costochondritis, I realised this sounded very likely for me. I try my best not to google whenever I get a new symptom and instead look through this forum to see if I can find someone with a similar symptom and then find there are plenty of harmless explanations for the symptoms I have. Thanks