View Full Version : What is wrong with me? Constant infection symptoms

30-03-12, 23:48
Hi All,

Great site, this is my first post. I have been through hell the past year and a half. A little about me:

I am 27 year old male from the boston area.
6'0 195 pounds
I have hashimotos thyroiditis that was diagnosed in 2005 and have since been on levothyroxine

I have gone through a slew of crippling symptoms and have had a TON of tests done. In fact here is a list:

Tests in Early 2011 - 2012 that were Negative:
Hepatitis B and C = Negative
Hypo/Hyperparathyroidism = Negative (2/21/2012)
HIV = Negative (12/2010 and 1/20/2012)
Syphilis = Negative (1/20/2012)
Cardiac CTA = Normal (1/2012)
Thyroid Ultrasound = Normal (1/23/2012)
Holter Monitor and EKG = Normal (12/2011)
Leukemia = Negative
Lymphoma = Negative
Cushings Disease = Negative
Parasites = Negative (12/2010)
Liver Inflammation/Enlargement = Negative
Gallstones = Negative Ultrasound (september 2011)
Chest XRAY = Normal (several, most recent in mid December 2011)
Neck/Upper Spine XRAY = Normal (spring 2011)
Soft Tissue Throat XRAY = Normal (spring 2011)
MRI of Brain no Contrast = Normal (summer 2011)
CT Scan of Brain no Contrast = Normal (summer 2011)
Lupus = Negative
Stress Test and Echocardiogram = Normal (2/2011)

Tests Found:
1/3/2011 - CT Scan of abdomen and pelvis = Fatty Liver
8/22/2011 - Thyroid Blood Test = TPO antibodies 174, should be none. Indicates Hashimotos Thyroiditis.
9/2011 - Ultrasound of right Abdomen = 2.3cm Hemangioma on right hepatic lobe near the porta hepatis.
9/2011 - Spit Adrenal Test = Low, could be reason for fatigue. Cortisol Sum is 18.6 and supposively normal is between 23-42.
11/7/2011 - Dermatologist - Keratosis Pilaris (means nothing! benign like acne!)
1/6/2012 – Low vitamin d and positive mono test (subsequent mono test exactly a month later was negative). Very slightly raised eosinophils (550). Was put on 50,000 IU of Vitamin D for 4 weeks.
1/23/2012 – Thyroid Ultrasound was normal but they found a 1.4 x 0.8 x 1.1 cm mass with echogenic center/hilum that is benign and is commonly seen in hashimotos thyroiditis which I have. Highly suggestive of a benign lymph node. Hyperparathyroidism should be excluded clinically but it is unlikely to be a parathyroid adenoma (benign).

And I got sick in December where I was having some chest funkiness like slower heart rate, tired, nausea and dry heaving. And also my skin has yellowish hues in areas like around my mouth and on my fingers and soles of feet. I know this can be caused by carotenemia but I don't really eat anything that would cause that. I lost about 20 pounds from the beginning of december to the beginning of january when I got sick and then evened out at around 195 on average. I am NEVER hungry during the morning and day and usually have a normal appetite around 7pm. I am also on Zoloft by the way. Here are my current symtpoms:

Yellowish Hue in some areas
• Dizziness (mild to moderate)
• Anxiety/Worry
• Left Hip Area Aches
• Lack of Appetite during the morning and day
• Stools always have bits of food in them and smell, usually normal color of light brown, usually the food is bits of oatmeal (whitish flakes), lettuce, peppers, stuff like that
• Dry skin
• Occasional mild hot flash in feet and sometimes arms
• Bad concentration and memory
• Always coughing, blowing nose and spitting - Every morning I spit and clear my throat and it's always yellow, usually turning clear after about 15 minutes. blowing my nose is similar but is more likely to be yellow throughout the day
• Occasional Sinus Pressure

I've been testing myself and keeping track of the things I can through logs. My Blood Glucose is always fine, my Blood Pressure is always fine, my heart rate varies but when lying down in bed is usually low 60's. I don't know what to do because I have had these symptoms now going on 4 months. The only thing I can make sense of the slight yellow hue in areas is either somehow my thyroid is off (had it tested multiple times recently and it's fine) or that my really high cholesterol is causing it which I read can happen. My cholesterol is currently:

Total Cholesterol = 288
HDL = 37 (Down from 38)
LDL = 235 (Up from 176)
Ratio = 7.8 (Up from 6.2)
Triglycerides = 82 (Down from 103 (good))
(previously it was taken in early january)

My doctors have no idea what's going on, they never have. I must have had over 25 blood tests in the past year, i've seen a hematologist twice, once for about 6 months where she tested me for tons of stuff. The reason I saw the hematologist is because I have a slightly raised WBC that is consistent, usually just the eosinophils. Usually the WBC doesn't exceed 13, and thats the high end of my readings. I don't know what to do, I am miserable, always coughing and blowing my nose and spitting, never really hungry. Dizzy a lot. Anxiety/hypochrondria creep in.

31-03-12, 07:16

Wow, that's a lot of tests, I can't really comment on the things you have confirmed on as I've not had any of these tests so I wouldn't know the symptoms for those specific things.

I will say however, you mentioned yellow and clear mucus phlegm when blowing your nose, and coughing up. I have had this on and off since December and it's literally driving me mad....I'm up early today as in the night I end up coughing coughing coughing.

I will feel very blocked in the morning which generally gets better through the day..the first few times I blow my nose it's clear and yellow (yellow means infection) but then it will be clear bubbly tick stuff....

I have spoken to my doctor many of times about this, I don't have the confidence with my HA to do all the blood tests like HIV etc...I told him I thought I had a sinus infection, he looked up my nose for polyps and said there wernt any but the nostrils look a little narrow, swollen...

The main thing is asked is if I have a temp at any point which I havnt.

He thinks that it may be allergy related and has prescribed me with beconase nasal spray...been taking for 4 days now...not much improvement I have to say....is it possible you have an allergy problem?


31-03-12, 07:19
I think allergy and sinus stuff is the only stuff I haven't been tested for. I see a pulmonologist on monday so we will see what he says.