View Full Version : Been given 10mg

27-03-12, 13:35
Ok will this be enough to work for me ??

Doctor actually didn't want to give me anything at all as she said anti depressant don't work really for anxiety and since i can't take beta blockers which is the only thing that works, (Yes i know she was talking rubbish :roflmao: I seem to have a bad time picking these doctors and they seems to be the female ones gggrrrr) But she gave them to me but just 10mg the lowest dose, i do have slightly depression too but didn't say that to her but i think that due to the anxiety as some days i feel great. And again she kept going on about going to see someone actually peed off when i said i CAN'T i have a 2 year old, she was like can't you get anyone to look after him it's just a hour!! :curse: yeah that's really going to help anxiety leaving my son with anyone!!

She's gave me 2 months worth, should i take for 8 weeks and then see if i can get them topped up ? I feel bad actually having to beg for anti d's but i think it's the only thing that's going to help at the moment.

27-03-12, 14:17
what are the meds shes prescribed ?

27-03-12, 15:16
Citalopram hence why i posted under this forum sorry if i didn't make that clear x

27-03-12, 15:28
Ok will this be enough to work for me ??

No-one can answer that except you :) That's not a very helpful reply, I realise that, but there is no black and white guide on what dosage works for different people (or even what medications!). All you can do really is try it as the doctor suggested and see what happens. It might be just what you need to feel better without going too far into the effects of a stronger dose. I wonder if anyone here is on 10mg long term and can advise?

27-03-12, 20:28
Ingenious thanks i know what u mean, but most people are put on 20 mg at least. Just found her very unhelpful. Like i wasn't really that panic and it wasn't serious

28-03-12, 10:01

I have also found doctors very dismissive of these problems, I think it's because their egos can't cope with the fact that they can't actually fix it with pills or treament themselves..anyway..

I'm on 10mg of Cit and it appears to be working pretty well...I would certainly start off on the 10mg to get rid of the first few weeks side effects (if you have any, you may not!)....and see after that...my doctor has cleared me to go to 20mg if i feel I need it but has left that decision to me..the 10mg has certainly helped ( I can actually go out of the house now and live fairly normally!) so give it a whirl....

Just be ready a couple of weeks of side effects but STICK WITH IT...it's worth it, trust me !

28-03-12, 11:08
Im on 10mg too, I have been since October time.

Mine is not for depression but for anxiety. My doctor told me 10mg of cit works for anxiety.

For me, iit works! I have emetophobia related anxiety and although I hasnt cured me it has certainly calmed me down and allowed me to live a relatively normal life and do normal things like going to the pub and out for dinner

Side effects wise as its a low dose I didnt really suffer, sleep issues for about 3 weeks ( although I have insomnia anyway) and slight nausea.

Give them ago, its defintely worth it

28-03-12, 11:38
Hi there - I started on 5mg for mild dep/anxiety symptoms. Upped to 10mg as had an incident week ago that made me worse - so on 10mg now no side effects from going up either - now also read about the huge benefits of vitamin b complex and have started taking that also - i can honestly say that since saturday feeling so much better. Vit B is a supplement that helps the nervous system and i have to say im sure that this is helping me. I feel more alert/less tired, more enthusiastic; so with a combination of that and the 10mg thinks are looking up!
Good luck and 10mg should def help.

28-03-12, 13:51
Hi guys thanks very much for the info really helps.

Am going to start these on Monday as i will be with my partner and will take them at night (I have 3 kids in the day time so don't want to freak out with them there) and i know i'll feel a lot safer if someone their when i take them. If that makes sense.

I have insomnia also though i am starting to get to sleep by 2am which is pretty good.

Jacks am on a VLCD (replacement food) as i am a fatty right now, so i get all my vit B through those shakes etc Though will find out if i can top it up with Vit B complex (Vit B complex is great for people who smoke)

Again thanks :hugs: