View Full Version : Knock to head sensations

23-03-12, 09:07
Hi all, I'm Chris and this is my first post. I just found the site through google after googling what I'm about to ask:

On saturday (6 days ago), I played hockey and got hit in the head with a ball. It was a shot at goal so it was going quite fast. It hit my cheek which was swollen for a couple of days. Its still tender, although you can hardly see the swelling, and I have bruising under my eye.

Right after it happened, the guy at the leisure centre said go to the hospital. Then my mates convinced me I didnt need it so I didnt go in the car on the way, so I didnt. But they did say to go if I get bad headaches.

I had mild headaches that come and go but what I was more worried about was a tingling sensation at the top of my head. I went to A&E yesterday as a precaution, got X-rayed and found out the cheekbone isnt broken. At first, the doc said he was going to think about giving me a CT scan (whats that? A brain scan?) but after the X-ray, said he wasnt going to.

I came into work today and a couple of people there mentioned internal bleeding and that they can be spotted on CT scans, even if they are tiny. Given that I have this sensation, it must be something right? Would you go back in for a CT scan if it were you?

I am a self-confessed hyponchondriac but Im not making these feelings up, they are definately there and have been for a few days now.



23-03-12, 18:03
This is such a tough one to answer in a forum setting because we'd be loathe to say it's nothing to worry about when the usual advice with any doubts about a head injury, especially as you said you'd been hit by a ball like that, is to play safe. I guess if I'm honest my advice would be this: Do you feel any different or worse than when the doctor at A&E decided you didn't need a scan, in other words has there been any change? If yes, it might be prudent just to get medical advice as a follow up, if nothing else to be on the safe side. If you did mention the tingling when at A&E then you've already been assessed and they decided you didn't warrant a scan. Only you can decide really if there has been any change or your condition feels worse. That's another sit on the fence answer, sorry :)