View Full Version : ectopics and exersice

28-06-06, 17:15
hi i have suffered ectopics for years some times i get them really bad other times just a couple a day.i walk for about 45 mins a day on my treadmill and am usually ok but today as i was just starting to walk on it not even that fast i started to get ectopics a run of them 1 after the other then it calmed down and was ok i completly freakd but kept going as i knew if i got off i would never dget on it again .i always thought exercise was sopposed to abolish them ive never really got them that bad on the treadmill before.can any1 advise me if you get them exersicing.ive had all the tests over the years and all fine .my last ecg about 3 months ago.hope u can help .always gratefull marcia ps also noticed all morning before doing the treadmill my heart was a bit racey especially wen went to do anything.

i have to do it for my kids if not for myself marciaxx

28-06-06, 18:23
Were you thinking about going on the treadmill all morning with trepidation?
If so, this can be enough to cause ectopics.

28-06-06, 18:35
no not at all never worries me really as im used to doing it x

i have to do it for my kids if not for myself marciaxx