View Full Version : out of breath feeling

20-03-12, 13:32
My health anxiety has been up and down for a while, but on the whole doing ok. What has been worrying me recently is a bit hard to describe. Even by doing something small like going upstairs I feel a bit like I cant catch my breath or tight chested. It also feels like congestion in my throat, like i want to keep clearing my throat, sometimes its feels a bit like my heart is racing. I am awaiting treatment for fibroids which I have been told are the size of being 16 weeks pregnant, could that be it?
Also when I went for a hospital appointment a few weeks ago the nurse said my blood pressure was a bit high. I dont normally have high blood pressure so was a bit surprised, being HA sufferer I don get very anxious and wound up about hospital appointments so maybe that. I havent plucked up courage to get it checked again. I am not overweight and I can run a slow 5k!
Not coping very well with any of this today and mind is racing as to what is going on.

20-03-12, 14:11
sounds like typicall anxiety symptoms to me. and if you can run 5k you are doing ok lol.

but if you are so concerned talk to your gp. hope you feel better soon xx

20-03-12, 16:36
Hi i tend to think im breathless or cant breath a lot i hate it but it is anxiety it feels like that if you chest breath i do a lot of that just try to breath through your stomach your breathings better then try not to worry :)