View Full Version : Question about fillings

rock chick
08-03-12, 05:04
So I got one of my teeth filled (thankfully it didn't need to be removed, like I had dreaded) and this might sound a bit weird but the stuff they used for the filling still feels just a little bit sticky, I assumed it would be hardened before I left the dentist (then again they didn't use one of those things I remember from years ago to bind it or whatever it's called), now it's probably normal and in a day it'll be like others I have but has anyone else noticed something like this?

I realized another thing, my dental phobia is basically related to 2 things:
1. Having teeth removed (then again who likes that anyway?)
2. A dentist making a mistake, kinda like people might worry a doctor overlooked something I guess.
By telling myself the likely outcome would be a filling and not tooth extraction it calmed me, whilst when I felt it would be the latter I ended up making excuses not to go.

I'm not really sure if what I have is dental phobia since most people with it are scared of totally different dental stuff than me but I don't know what else to call it, in honesty having any dental work makes me uncomfortable though.