View Full Version : Curious

07-03-12, 13:18
I'm anxious and have phobias about many things. I dislike the feelings that anxiety symptoms give me, I hate feeling ill, so.....

I am curious to know if any of you that suffer with anxiety actually enjoy seeking thrills eg rollercoaster rides or doing dangerous sports ? I know I don't like them, cos they produce the same icky unwell feeling that anxiety gives me already, why would I want to add to that. :ohmy:

07-03-12, 13:19
Nope,absolutely not ! At legoland the only ride I wanted to go on was the 'ribena berry' thingy that gently bounced you around. Interesting question...:yesyes:

07-03-12, 13:25
Not physically dangerous things, but I am drawn to emotional danger even though it causes me so much pain.

miss polly
07-03-12, 13:36
No! I don't like anything even mildly dangerous as my anxiety goes through the roof at the slightest thing.

07-03-12, 13:50
No I cant even go on a rollercoaster anymore ..I had flash backs from the last ride I went on that lasted years :scared15:.Besides that I have back and neck problems so it wouldnt be a good idea ...Sue