View Full Version : Advice needed - natural or medication?

05-02-12, 22:29
I'm recently coming to terms with my anxiety issues and seeking help. I have been to see the gp and been advised to consider medication. Going back this coming week but I really don't know what to do. I've seen that there are herbal alternatives and have been looking in to Inositol. The side effects of medication scare me and if there was something that could help without these side effects then it would be great. I'm going to be starting counselling too so it wouldn't just be the supplements.
Any advice would be great!

08-02-12, 01:53
Hi lost

Its very hard coming to terms with needing help so well done you for taking the first step & talking to your GP :D

Like you 3yrs ago I was determined to battle it with alternative medication. I was scared of taking prescribed meds as i thought they would just block out how i was feeling & i would just be on them forever.

Well I stuck to my battle for a year & tried all sorts of relaxation & over counter herbal meds, but nothing reduced my anxiety enough for me to take a full part in therapy. Eventually my psychologist encouraged me to give prescribed meds a try. Once I'd got over the side effects - they aren't pleasant but then again neither is anxiety, I began to feel more in control & in a few months felt so much better & I also began to feel the benefits of my therapy sessions feeling like the work i was putting in was a great help.

Three years down the line & i'm still taking meds, I'm on Citalopram 40mg with no side effects except tiredness & life is virtually anxiety free for me, I'm back at work full time, no panic attacks for 2yrs, agoraphobia has gone & i no longer have mind chatter to listen too!

Of course taking meds is a very personal decision, read as much as you can on the subject & talk to your gp again. The thing i found most difficult with taking herbal/over counter meds was lack of information about dose etc, like prescribed meds there is no 'one fits all' its a very find balancing act to find the dose that suits you. Also, some herbal meds work in the same way as anti depressants & you need to be monitored while taking these but most gp's have little knowledge in this field.

Take care & good luck with what ever you decide

08-02-12, 12:16

i really wish I had asked the same questions and I had never started on the cycle of antidepressants. I am not embarassed about being on them and I do think they have their place in treatment definatly.. but I just got stuck on them and have been on several (currently day 13 of withdrawal from Venlafaxine). The side effects are not horrid nor are the nice and after a while I get sick of feeling numb and having no sex drive-however then getting off of them is hell.

I would recommend trying 5 htp or St Johns Wort first (check if you are on contraceptive pill as SJW does interact) and taking omega 3 and vitamin c. For anxiety I find Valerian very good.

Good luck with whatever you choose xx

23-04-12, 20:01
I recommend a multi-vit, a good amount of magnesium and calcium as well. Also a good quality omega fish oil. Amino acids can sometimes help. I don't think natural remedies work as well as SSRIs, but antidepressants are a big decision to make. Sometimes they are needed but sometimes they can be avoided. I used to take Rhodiola which I found lifted my mood. I also use Propranolol when needed, and Valium less often. I sometimes think about going back on antidepressants, but after I came off the last ones I said "never again."
If you live in a decent area, your doctor might refer you to a medical herbalist (although this is unlikely to be honest). I see a medical herbalist privately and he seems to think my anxiety is mainly hormonal. He said he sees so many women who are perfectly fine all their lives, then they reach the menopause and get depression/anxiety/agoraphobia. He thinks it is generally hormonal. He is trying to get my hormones balanced with herbs so I'll see how it goes, but if I get really bad again I would consider an SSRI much to my disappointment. Hope this helps :)

23-04-12, 20:09
Only you can decide whether to go the meds route..
I dont take meds, I take a good high strength Vit B.. drink lots water and exercise...

23-04-12, 21:54
I didn't have any luck with natural remedies from Vitamin B to 5-HTP through to St. John's Wort. It took full blown prescribed medication to do anything positive. In hindsight I wish I could have gone to my doctor and got medication sooner, I lost a good year or two trying and failing to self-help. I was too stubborn to admit defeat and too worried about any side effects :)

23-04-12, 22:02
I didn't have any luck with natural remedies from Vitamin B to 5-HTP through to St. John's Wort. It took full blown prescribed medication to do anything positive. In hindsight I wish I could have gone to my doctor and got medication sooner, I lost a good year or two trying and failing to self-help. I was too stubborn to admit defeat and too worried about any side effects :)

I second this. I was completely too stubborn. Please don't fall into this trap!