View Full Version : Scared of the Required Medical Check Ups for Jobs :(

01-02-12, 07:42
Hi, I just got my bachelor's degree last year and I've proceeded right away to graduate school. When I got a scholarship in grad school, I also applied for a job as a graduate assistant.

Back then, I my hypochondria was in a dormant state. And luckily though, my job required me everything (social security papers, tax papers, etc.) except the medical stuff.

Now as I see my friends post stuff on Facebook and Twitter like "Done with the medical exam for work!" and things similar to that, I find myself anxious about me getting a new job after I'm done being a graduate assistant.

I heard that most companies require you to have a yearly medical check up. That makes me terrified even more :(

The last blood/urine/stool test I had was April 2011. Everything came up normal except my uric acid came up a bit elevated. The doctor didn't give me any meds.

Also, my blood pressure always seems to be higher like 140 or something. My family has a history of hypertension. :(

I fear that my future medical results will hinder me from getting my dream job and I will die a miserable man. :(

I am only 21 years old and I feel so bad about this. :(

01-02-12, 08:41
No way will the minor things you are talking about affect your future in the job market ! Even if you DO get some hypertension, it can and will be easily treated. 'They' don't let intelligent, highly qualified, potentially valuable members of staff slip through the net because of small medical problems. If that was the case, then most people out there would not be working at all. :winks:

01-02-12, 13:29
For some reason it won't show me where you live, so I don't know if you are in the US like me. But I did not have to do that for any of my jobs. You might not have to. The most I have heard of people having to do is get drug tests, unless it is like a really physical job. I am surprised you did not have to get one for school though? Are you going full-time? I had to get a school physical before starting graduate school full-time. Either way it is not a big deal, they probably just need it for liability purposes.