View Full Version : Headaches and Anxiety

30-01-12, 08:20
What sort of headaches to people have with HA?
Mine vary from migranes to a pressure band type feeling.
I also have sore neck and shoulder muscles.
I often get it worse when laying down in bed, then my nose has pressure and my cheeks.
Do people get the ache one side more then the other as mine is more rightsided?
Do you get them everyday?

30-01-12, 09:13
Hi Jakesmummy,

My main symptom of anxiety is head pressure that also feels like sinus and nasal congestion, but I have had a CT scan and my sinuses are clear.

I feel like someone is pushing there hand against my forehead and that I might fall over at any time, its awful.

I also have tension in my neck and shoulders.

Have you been to the docs and are you on any medication?

Take care


30-01-12, 10:19
I have sinus and nasal conjestion as well, the right side is worse than the left.
I have been to the Drs 3 times and been told is HA each time, they have looked at the back of my eyes and said its all healthy.
They have given me citralopram but can't start it yet as had a sore throat and been taking nurofen so Dr said to wait as can't take them both together.
Do you often feel off balance as well?

30-01-12, 10:25

You sound just like me :D

Yes I feel off balance again I was thinking it was my ears but the more I think about it it does seems anxiety related. If it was my ears then it owuld be constant but it comes and goes.

I have also been prescribed citilopram, 10mg but have not yet started. I was trying to convince myself it wasnt anxiety so have had the full blood tests and all have come back normal, so am back at the doctors tonight to see where I go from here but I know he is going to say start the citilopram.

30-01-12, 10:28
My ears pop from time to time as well.
I feel most of the problems on the right side of my head, face and nose. When I am sitting still I feel like I twitch as well.

I am going back to the Drs next week.

I am convinced its something serious but the Drs say it isn't, then I google and I start to panic.

Do you feel in a 'fog' like your in your own little world? I do.

I feel like someone has my forehead in a grip.

My shoulder and neck muscles are sore. They are worse on waking.

30-01-12, 10:41

Yes, yes and yes... I feel exactly the same. Its not nice is it :weep:

Please do not google.. it is the worse thing you can do. You are better off posting on here and people will give you reassurance.

I am going to give in and start the tablets if that what the doctor says, Im only 34 and I feel like im not able to live my life at the moment, Im just existing. Everyday going to work is a struggle and I love my job and the people I work with so I really don;t want to feel like this any more.

30-01-12, 10:55
This is exactly what i get aswell, i was worried coz i dnt get throbbing headaches its more stinging congestion headaches, and its all my left side mostly at my temple amd above, and a constant ringing in my ears, feels like its in my head sumtyms, i do feel my nose muscles and cheek muscles tense up aswell , i love this site its so reasuruing! Ive been to my docs so much about the headaches, like 5 times, coz im gettin them atleast every day x but im not on anythin coz doc doesnt want me on it, x i lov my life bt i hate ,y anxiety, ruins everythin!

30-01-12, 11:06
Its awful isnt it. You cant believe anxiety can bring so many symptoms can you.

This site does reassure you not only puts your mind at rest but also it helps knowing that there are other people in the same position as you.

30-01-12, 12:05
I had a good day yesterday, hardly any HA, now today I feel head pressure, headache, forehead pressure, nose conjestion and like my legs are wobbly and even though I am at work I feel distant if that makes sense.

30-01-12, 12:27
it does make sense, is it like your there but not really there and hard to concentrate?

Im like that most days, I work full-time

30-01-12, 13:35
Hello i get depersonalization and derealization

also my headaches i get face aches, cheek, jaw bone, ears, head all aches and feel light headed and get a really hot red face..

there my main symptoms.

30-01-12, 13:40
That feeling is called spaced out lol, ya knw hw ur headaches at one side, d u ever feel like just above ur temple area is offy puffy than tjhe other side? Or is it jus me x lol

30-01-12, 13:56
yeh its spaced out but its called derealization and depersonalization xx

30-01-12, 14:06
My right cheek often feels really hot and sore.

I feel like I need to wake up today. I feel odd.

30-01-12, 16:47
Depending on where it's located, the cheek and facial pain might be a result of clenching your jaw or grinding your teeth. I think many of us anxiety sufferers do this and it can cause pain all along the side of the face, sometimes even headaches and neck/shoulder pain. Especially if you have ever been told you have TMJ disorder, that might be part of the problem.

30-01-12, 16:54
Yeh i mean its the sme on the other side, jus luks abit more out, on the left side, a keep thinkin the worst lyk, jus wish sum1 wud hav the sme thing lol x

30-01-12, 17:12
I get cheek pain form my sinuses mostly on my right side, left side is less severe. For me that pain (and some behind the eyes) and congestion is alllergies affecting my sinuses. I guess it is normal for one sinus to be affected more than the others. I had a bad infection in that one once so I think it just reacts more strongly now.

I also get tension headaches from neck and shoulder tension. Sometimes advil and coffee helps (not sure why!!!). Stretching helps a little but I find I have to stretch a lot to get it to go away. Ice works the best for me.