View Full Version : advice on medications in general?

27-01-12, 00:37
My anxiety has just been getting worse and worse this year, even with counseling. I am going to bring up medications with the doctor tomorrow, but I am extremely nervous about trying medications ... I have heard scary things about side effects, suicide, lack of sex drive, feeling spaced out, etc. I also currently am alone, my boyfriend is away for over a week, so I am a little nervous (if I do get prescribed anything) to try anything while alone ...

Any thoughts? Success stories?


27-01-12, 17:56
Taking medication can be daunting because of many reasons including a fear of the possible side effects. If it is any help, most success stories go unpublished because the people are simply better and don't post, whereas anyone with any side effects will come and seek help in places like this. What I mean by this is don't think the very large number of side-effects and negative experience posts here are representative of how you will react.

I won't lie and say it will be easy, and some of the short term side effects can make you feel a bit crap for a few weeks. But keep this in perspective, it is better to go through some short term discomfort and then be on the road to recovery. Medication was a life changer for me for all positive reasons and I wish I'd got help many years sooner instead of putting it off because I was frightened :)

If things have been getting worse for you then maybe nothing to lose by trying something anyway?

Good luck!

PS. If you tell your GP you're worried by side effects then they will probably start you off on a very small dose for the first week or two to get you used to it.

27-01-12, 18:13
Taking medication can be daunting because of many reasons including a fear of the possible side effects. If it is any help, most success stories go unpublished because the people are simply better and don't post, whereas anyone with any side effects will come and seek help in places like this. What I mean by this is don't think the very large number of side-effects and negative experience posts here are representative of how you will react.

I won't lie and say it will be easy, and some of the short term side effects can make you feel a bit crap for a few weeks. But keep this in perspective, it is better to go through some short term discomfort and then be on the road to recovery. Medication was a life changer for me for all positive reasons and I wish I'd got help many years sooner instead of putting it off because I was frightened :)

If things have been getting worse for you then maybe nothing to lose by trying something anyway?

Good luck!

PS. If you tell your GP you're worried by side effects then they will probably start you off on a very small dose for the first week or two to get you used to it.

Hi Ingenious

What medication do you take? I am 3 weeks into prozac and feeling poo the side effects are awful. but I am sticking with it my gp has given me anti sickness tablets and diazipam but I just cant motivate myself to do anything. I am like a recluse and i dont have agraphobia just cant be bothered doing anything will this pass?

Cathy xx

28-01-12, 18:37
Taking medication can be daunting because of many reasons including a fear of the possible side effects. If it is any help, most success stories go unpublished because the people are simply better and don't post, whereas anyone with any side effects will come and seek help in places like this. What I mean by this is don't think the very large number of side-effects and negative experience posts here are representative of how you will react.

I won't lie and say it will be easy, and some of the short term side effects can make you feel a bit crap for a few weeks. But keep this in perspective, it is better to go through some short term discomfort and then be on the road to recovery. Medication was a life changer for me for all positive reasons and I wish I'd got help many years sooner instead of putting it off because I was frightened :)

If things have been getting worse for you then maybe nothing to lose by trying something anyway?

Good luck!

PS. If you tell your GP you're worried by side effects then they will probably start you off on a very small dose for the first week or two to get you used to it.

Very good post here, not much more i can add.

Also, as stated, often medication is too much too soon. Particularly with SSRI's, gradual starts and finishes helps the body adjust slowly rather than a shock to the system.

Here is a quick guide to anxiety medication which might help:
