View Full Version : In a huge panic suddenly ... please help!

26-01-12, 15:42
Hi, I could use some reassurance regarding the lump I found near my groin (about an inch above the crease where your leg meets your body). Again, it's mobile and smooth, but about the size of a marble, 1.5 cm, and feels firm. It does not hurt.

I got up the courage to make a doctors appointment for tomorrow morning and now I am in a HUGE panic about what I might find out. I did google and scared myself silly. I am now convinced I have lymphoma or something else cancer-related.

I am literally in a huge panic at work and don't know how to calm myself down, trying the usual techniques of breathing, logic, etc but it is not working.

Any reassurance???

26-01-12, 15:52
Hey, its a good thing making a doctors appointment, they will have a little feel and see if there they think anything is wrong, u could even ask for a full blood test, to make sure there is no cancers or anything presant to put ur mind at rest :) ... try to calm down, i know its easier said than done, but i know exactly how u feel, i "think" i feel lumps alot.. and i constantly panic i have some sort of cancer, and its made me into some kind of out of this world crazy woman, well thats what i feel like anyway, u will be okay :) xx P.s Cancer doesnt always kill, there is certain cancers that are so cureable u wouldnt believe.. my grandma was diagnosed with breast cancer about a month ago.. and guess what?? They removed it, and its all gone, she didnt even need chemo, chin up hun x

26-01-12, 16:16
I'm just terrified that it is something awful ... I know it is better to go than not go, because if it is something then we caught it and if it isn't then I feel better. I just can't stop freaking out

26-01-12, 16:19
Heya try not to worry, i got myself into a state numerous times lately as my anxiety is pretty high at the moment...but when i got the courage to go i did feel better and its best to go even if you are nervous. I think i had a lump there a while back and it just went on its own i am sure you will be fine ^^

26-01-12, 16:26
You've done the right thing by making an appointment. I think it will be something like a cyst or a fatty lump (limpoma - not to be confused with cancer). I have 6 Limpomas at the bottom of my back - they are round, mobile, smooth and don't hurt when I poke them! Although I've had them for about 10 years I'm always asking my doctor to check them because I think they are tumours. My doctor obliges and sends me away reasurred.

26-01-12, 16:28
Hi, thanks for the responses. The thing that scares me most I guess is that it feels pretty firm ... though I guess I am not a doctor and don't know what I am really feeling. But everything I have heard says firm = bad... But I have heard of those, extremeangst, my boyfriend has a couple but they are in other places like his arm and stuff. I have to remind myself that I have been wrong 100% of the time during my self-diagnosis.

26-01-12, 22:28
Hi, Years before I had HA I found a small mobile smooth lump on my bikini line, I prodded for a few weeks and even contemplated trying to remove it myself(!!) before going to the docs. Turns out it was scar tissue around an ingrowing hair. Had it removed by my gp, took about five minutes, and didn't hurt. It could be anything - but as far as I know cancerous growths attach themselves to things and aren't mobile. IT's sooooooo easy to assume the worst, we've all done it. If you are struggling to wait until tomorrow, can you go to a drop in clinic tonight?

26-01-12, 23:22
I was just about to say, as above. Maybe its an ingrown hair, as that can cause lumps. Always best to get these things checked though, so definately doing the right thing. Good luck x

26-01-12, 23:57
Thanks, I thought about just going to a walk-in clinic, but want to discuss my anxiety with the doc too and see if they suggest meds ... it's just getting worse and worse lately, counseling alone is not doing too much for me right now.

27-01-12, 15:52
Hi, just got back from the doctor. Dr says that it is a benign lymph node that probably came up when I pulled my muscles a few weeks ago and just has not gone back done because I keep poking at it. I was told to take advil consistently over the weekend and ice it for a week or so and it should go down. If it is bothersome, she said to come back in. It isn't really bothersome, just I keep poking at it but I will try to stop that now.

I also spoke with her about medications, including my fear of side effects and feel like I just need something as-needed. She prescribed me with hydroxyzine Hcl to use as needed and said if anything it will just make me sleepy, which is good because I have trouble sleeping.

Has anybody taken this medication? Is there anything I should expect/know?

30-01-12, 15:53

Glad to hear your doctor was able to reassure you about your lump.. I've tried hydroxycine. It's an antihistamine which should make you drowsy and less anxious. I was given it when I was suffering with really extreme anxiety and insomnia and it didn't work for me but when I was in hospital lots of patients were on it and they said it really helped. Good luck with it - it will probably make you thirsty and you might get a bit of blurred vision but I think that wears off.

Take Care:)

30-01-12, 17:15
Hey thanks. I finally plucked up the courage to try it last night. I am on a very low dose, 10 mg, that i can take 1 or 2 of (so 20 mg tops) if I need it to start out. Well I took just 1 and really calmed down and fell asleep so hopefully this is a good fit for me.

Also helped a bit with my allergies :)

30-01-12, 22:04
I had lumps in my right breast 3 times when I was just 18-19 years old. I can understand why one freaks out, because it's some scary thing, seriously.
Especially when one doesn't know anything about it. But this doesn't mean that they are often very harmful.

It's good to have it checked of course and try not to worry too much. I hope you feel well soon.