View Full Version : Back problem and health anxiety

23-01-12, 11:51
I have at least two herniated discs in my lumbar spine ( also severe arthritis in neck) and my last mri scan was 3 years ago for lumbar spine. I can have months where my lower back is not so bad in that I don't have to take painkillers every day but then I will get time where I bend over and my back goes. This happened on xmas morning and from past experience it can take months before it settles back to its usual annoying self.

The previous time this happened about 16 months ago my Dr said I did not need another mri scan as they knew what was wrong with my back and as it did improve I left it at that as I believed him.

Trouble is this time that in past few weeks a friends husband who has been battling chronic lymphoma for past 20 years which has now turned very very agressive and is now terminal had been experiencing severe sciatica or what they thought was sciatica with pain in his leg but because of his lymphoma ( he has just finished another chemo) they did an mri and the lymphoma is all around his spine and it is this that is pressing on the nerve to his leg. He also developed a large lump in his back as well.

Now common sense tells me that there is no earthly reason for me to worry that my bad back is from anything horrible like his is. I have had this for many years, I have had 2 lumbar mri scans in last 5 years but because it is 3 years since my last one and this time I am not getting better as quick as I have in the past I am at the "what if" stage of ha:lac:

The ha part of me wants to rush to the Dr and beg for another lumbar mri to check that it is "just" still my herniated discs but I know that he will tell me I don't need one and I know that I do not really need one either.

What do I do:shrug::shrug::shrug:

23-01-12, 14:49
I know how you feel, I am terrified of cancer and every time I hear about how somebody else got diagnosed I freak out about my own symptoms. But you have already solved this problem for yourself, which i find I do too just by writing everything out. If you have an understanding doctor, just tell him what happened to your friend and I am sure he will reassure you. Then you won't have to worry again.

23-01-12, 21:26
No its not!! You dont want another mri. There is no possible reason things would change. It has always been a problem but us been us your friends diagnosis has put a doubt in your mind. But looking as an outsider there us no connection. Your poor friend and that must be hard for you and your husband as well. And the fact Your back is taking longer to get better-none of us are getting any youngerg :winks: but seriously even though i know exactly what you mean and i having ha as i do would think the same. But forget its your back problem concerntrate on yourself and get well again xx:hugs:

23-01-12, 22:32
Thanks both. I have appt with Dr on Thursday as I need to discuss pain relief anyway, had bad day today with sudden stabbing pains in groin and up into abdomen and do not know if this is referred pain from my back or attack of ibs, second time in 2 wweeks i have had it but with back as it is who knows.

If my Gp sugggest another mri then I have to say that I would not say no as I am at that stage where only a test will put my mind at rest - been here so many times do we ever learn!

Mind you I will need a nice big dose of diazepam to get into that scanner again, I nearly die of fright even with my eyes closed.

26-01-12, 20:05
Update- say my GP today and he said I def have nerve pain ( nerve pain 24/7 in the side of my hip from back and down leg) and he is sending me for mri of lumbar spine. He said he can only send me if I would be willing have surgery if they find something serious so of course you say yes! So I ticked all the boxes for nhs mri scan via gp. I have to ring up next week to get appt and he said the waiting time might be 4 weeks but I wil find out when I ring. If it is 4 weeks then I might pay for it privately as I can get it done in 2 weeks for £199 but will wait and see.

I have got stronger pain killers but am totally phobic about tablets and their side effects but this nerve pain is evil and I just cannot do anything because the pain gets worse on movement. I have being trying to carry on having a social life ( thankfully I don't work) since my back went but have had to give in now the pain is all the time so not a happy bunny stuck at home and in pain:mad:

26-01-12, 20:28
I hope you feel better, that sounds rough waiting but at least you know that the doc said it is nerve pain and not something worse. Not that what you are going through isn't painful and awful though.