View Full Version : The way i feel........

02-01-12, 21:57
im always panicky, spacey, worried,depersonalised, i have had this bout since December 5th 2010, i had a panic attack and had anxiety/depersonalisation since. I can cope with anxiety i have had it all my life when i think about it, there was always something when i was growing up that i was worried about, probably most kids do but i used to not be able to sleep sometimes at night cause of it. Its the depersonalisation that i cant deal with i feel things are not real etc all the time to different severities im thinking now that its not anxiety and that its actually a dissasociation disorder which causes the anxiety not the other way around. The last year i have actually been promoted at work and had a big pay increase to everyone else i have the perfect llife but i feel as though im going through the motions and not living its hard for me to explain:blush:. i read some posts where people have had breakdowns etc and had to give up work and believe me i feel so close all the time but i keep going cause i cant quit cause i have debts and 2 kids to feed, they depend on me but i feel sometimes that i just wont be able to face the day one day and totally breakdown. I feel like im on a treadmill and i cant get off or get the right help. Ive been docs and explained but he just gives me citalopram but it justs masks the issue and i dont feel cured at all.

sorry if this doesnt make sense i just needed to vent a bit.

cheers for reading.

11-01-12, 08:50
Omg, I feel like this too, I have the exact same symptoms and childhood. I feel like this and unbalanced, dizzy at times...I hate this feeling. I look around me and don't know whats going on and objects look different and unreal....:( I hope you feel better now.