View Full Version : Hello! im new!

22-12-11, 21:22

I came across this site just the other day and felt the need to join right away. For the past few months i seem to be suffering from anxiety... all seemed to start when i had to have an operation for a bad ear infection it was my first ever op and i was convinced i wasn't going to wake up from it. Ever since then i panic over the slightest twinge or ache worrying its something serious. I used to love going to sleep at night now i hardly sleep or have to get myself to the point of not being able to keep my eyes open before i can sleep as im convinced i wont wake up! Everyday it seems like im in a dream and spend half the time thinking my heads going to explode. :wacko:

Joined the site in the hope that seeing that im not the nly one feeling like this might help a little and for a bit of support

22-12-11, 21:27
Hi November

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

22-12-11, 22:38
Hi november and :welcome: to nmp, sorry to hear that you are feeling bad right now, it sounds like health anxiety to me, but you should speak to someone, and get a little support, i know how lack of sleep feels, and it is not pleasant, read through some of the forums, you will find you are not alone, you can also join chat, if you feel like speaking to other members, have a great christmas and welcome x