View Full Version : Hi there

06-06-06, 09:52
Hi all.
Found this site last night after a pretty horrible panic attack. I've had depression for as long as I can remember, and anorexia for several years (been in recovery for a year now though). It's only now I'm realising how much of my problems were actually due to anxiety, it's quite frightening the way every practioner missed or misdiagnosed it. I ran out of my antidepressants (also used to treat anxiety in fact) just before exams a few weeks ago, so I went from the maximum dose to nothing. After a couple of weeks of bad physical side effects I thought I was ok, then this panic set in. I may put that in a separate post just to see if anyone can relate. I've done CBT to death over the years, and whilst it's useful for some things it doesn't really apply to the free-floating anxiety I get, or when emotions are really out of control. I've thought about hypnotherapy, or about the Linden method (although I'm wary of anything promising such a quick fix). I'm scared by how out of control it's suddenly become, it's like a nasty version of Alice in Wonderland right now. Anyway, that's my garbled introduction over, thanks for reading.

marie ross
06-06-06, 10:05

Welcome to the forum, i hope you find a great deal of help here.

Take care.

Marie XXX

06-06-06, 10:23

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care
Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

06-06-06, 10:34
Hi Tilda,

Welcome to the best site in the world for us anxiety sufferers. You will make new friends here and find you are not alone.

Mandy xx

06-06-06, 11:12
Hia and welcome:D
hopefully you will find as much help and information here as what i have so far...i have tried hypnotherapy several years ago and it did help to a certain degree im not sayin it was fantastic or it cured everything immediately but it did help maybe it will help you too:D but make sure you find one that you like and feel comfortable with

06-06-06, 14:05
Hi tilda

Welcome to the forum

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

06-06-06, 14:16
Hey tilda.

Hope you find what you ar looking for from this ite
i know i did, that was friendships, advice and reassurance

Hay x

06-06-06, 17:13
Hello Tilda
Welcome to the site
Love Helen

06-06-06, 17:43
Hi Tilda
hugs to you

06-06-06, 19:20
Hi Tilda

Welcome aboard

Have a good read on the website and you may find something that helps you get back on track again.

Hope you find it useful here.
