View Full Version : Is this commen anxiety complaint. Need help coz I feel like am going mad!!

17-12-11, 19:35
I am off balance all the time like moton sickness or like the floors coming up towards me and it makes me feel sick . How commen is this with everyone. Its making me so worried !! Please, please, please help me !!! xx

17-12-11, 23:24
Hi, it's possibly a result of disorientation caused by anxiety, but it could be a side effect of medication. It's possibly an inner ear infection. It's unlikely to be anything threatening because if it was, you would be unable to function with it. Get your doctor or a nurse to check you over for peace of mind.

19-12-11, 18:07
I noticed when reading through the list of anxiety symptoms on this site.. http://www.anxietycentre.com/anxiety-symptoms.shtml -I found it listed this one 'The floor feels like it is moving either down or up for no reason' -so it indeed looks like it can be an anxiety symptom!!

22-12-11, 03:56
It could be anxiety related, but I have also had dizziness that turned out to be an ear infection, as PsychoPoet said. My ears did not hurt at all, but I felt dizzy whenever I stood up. You might have it checked if it continues.

22-12-11, 23:06
Thank you all. Been the Dr, he did a thorough check. I wear hearing aids so he thinks it could be an inner ear infection. Been prescribed anti dizzyness tabs to see if they help and he going to see me again in two weeks. Thanks for your answers xxx