View Full Version : anxiety still after 10 days

Sally S
05-06-06, 21:46
Dear all,
I started on 20mg Citalopram 10 days ago. Over the weekend I started to feel better, but this morning I had another attack because I was thinking about going into work. Also I still have bad insomnia and no appetite. Is it not working? Should I go back to work? Will these attacks ever stop? Will I ever get a good night's sleep again??!!
Sally xxx

05-06-06, 21:48
It can take 2-3 weeks for the side-effects to lessen. Sometimes this can be more or less so try not to worry ok.


05-06-06, 21:59
sally have you read claire weekes book " self help for your nerves". in it she explains the essentail thing we all do, no matter how hard it is no eat we must shove that food down

i genuinely believe that how we eat is directly related to how badely anxious we are

try to eat, it will be doing you goo no matter how much you think it isnt

does this make sense, if it doesnt tell me to shut up


Sally S
05-06-06, 22:15
Thanks, that makes perfect sense, it's just so hard to do!!
I think it's just the fear of going back to work, and maybe agitation from the meds, sorry to go on but I just though I would be able to function a lot better by now!!

05-06-06, 22:58
Hi Sally,

Please, please, don't be to hard on yourself, take one day at a time.
Remember, anxiety can happen anytime anyplace anywhere, please don't put lables on where they happen, this will feed Mrs anxiety.

My daughter suffered pa's, anxiety from the age of 3, she is now 12 and was doing sooooo well, untill feb this year and she had a BIG blip. She could not get herself back into school. It has taken awhile BUT she is moving forward again and is going back to school, not full time yet, but she is getting there. I am sooooo proud of her[^]

**will I ever get a good nights sleep"" You WILL in time hun, just take one day at a time, eat what you can, beating yourself up will not help, it will just feed the anxiety. Be kind to yourself and give the meds time.