View Full Version : Pains and lightheadedness - I don't like this :(

16-12-11, 14:10
Hi all,

Have just been signed off work till the new year, with the doctor putting "anxiety and stress" on my note. He's also prescribed me Diazepam but I'm not taking it at the moment - I live on my own, and want to avoid it until I'm back with the family in case it has any weird side effects.

I feel slightly more relaxed being at home rather than at work, but am still having issues that are worrying me. I keep getting pains in my chest and a feeling of tightness in my throat, along with a lightheadedness that completely throws me.

I'm sure it must be anxiety related - I've had ECGs, blood tests, my oxygen levels in my blood are normal - but it all feels so real and I have no idea how to cope with it :( It's sometimes accompanied by a fast heartbeat but not always.

Anyone else have the same? And anyone have any tips for coping strategies?



17-12-11, 20:22
If you've had all these tests done then would definatly say its anxiety related. have lightheadedness all the time at the minute and its awful. My friend has suggested I do meditation or yoga and see if that helps. I suppose anything is worth a try. I know this isnt fantastic advice but just wanted to let you know your not alone and to give you hugs xxx