View Full Version : people talking about me?

14-12-11, 14:40
thats what i think when i go out, i often think they are talking down to me with their friends or something, i dunno why i have this problem ive been fairly popular in life but these past few months ive been getting these thoughts and it makes me want to stay in 24-7, any advice would be appreciated as always :blush:.

-kevin :flowers:

14-12-11, 17:02
Paranoia! I get that.. you know why you get this.. we spoke about it before :)

14-12-11, 18:21
Sometime i get really bad like il be walking down the road and i will think people are staring at me and laughing not nice :( x

14-12-11, 19:39
its a part of anxiety, I've had it, you just have to nip the thoughts in the bud before they become a problem, easier said than done.

15-12-11, 01:21
honestly people are so naturally selfish they are much more likely to be thinking or talking about themselves.
Even if people are talking about you, so what ? it really doesn't have any affect on you and your life :)
it matters most about what you think about yourself x

blue moon
15-12-11, 04:03
I agree with Mishel,It none of my buisness what people say or talk about me.Hold your head high.
Petra xx

15-12-11, 08:09
Hiyer, because you are suffering from anxiety your thoughts are turned inwards a lot of the time. You are scrutinising yourself and possibly obsessional about factors relating to your behaviour/health/social interactions....(please don't take this the wrong way, I hope it comes across as making sense)....but you are focused on yourself and your 'relevance' becomes out of perspective when considering other peoples responses to you. What I mean by this is that - in your anxious state you assume that others are as focused on you, as you are yourself. They aren't, honestly !

Also because you are anxious and probably have low self esteem/confidence levels at the moment, you are imagining that they are thinking all sorts of negative things about you. I reckon you are reading negative connotations into your social interactions, because you are worried about how people view you. Everyone has their own lives; interests, fears, health problems, social lives etc. and the likelihood of talking about you or wanting to 'talk down to you' is pretty low.

I had periods of fear like this at the end of my teenage years, it isn't a nice feeling and is very unsettling. Don't stay in, that will simply fuel the problem and before you know it you will be too scared to leave the house ! It is another mind trick.

15-12-11, 14:02
Hi KW,

I can completely relate to you, I've been there (and am still there sometimes). I completely agree with what others have said. People are so involved in themselves. Even if they are thinking, talking about you or judging you, it will be in relation to themselves. Only people who are insecure talk about others in a negative way in order to divert from their own weaknesses and make themselves feel better. The people they talk about are just a means to improve their own self-esteem, it's no reflection on you, it's a reflection on them. It's very hard to learn this and internalise it but as others have said, what they think about you is none of your business. You cannot change it, it has no lasting impact on your life. Focus on looking after yourself, not caring about other people's opinions. Take care xx

16-12-11, 18:57
I found out that some members of family have been talking behind my back, not immediate family, but it still hurts. Its made my anxiety worse as well because I have to see those family members at this time of year. I never confronted them over it because I couldn't, I was in such a mess, but I have avoided a lot of social occassions because of it.

15-05-12, 16:52
i know the feeling i know its not nice i feel people stare when i do go out or sometimes i hear people whisper it does get u down but one day hopefully we will all over come it :hugs:

15-05-12, 18:47
Some sound advice there Kev. I agree with them, it all boils down to self esteem and how you look at yourself in comparison to others and judge yourself badly. I have the same issues. Fortunately I managed to suspend that belief lwith most of the population to a certain extent, but I always negatively mindread anybody who could be a romantic interest.

Its because when we get paranoid, we start to forget that our thoughts are just thoughts. They have no valid basis, because you created them yourself. Thoughts are not facts. Just because you believe people are thinking badly of you, it doesnt mean they are. I once believe in Santa Clause. Now I realise it was just my dad. :P

13-06-12, 01:57
i fear the same its so hard not to think about it when your out i also fear of being attacked or my family being attacked through past experiences with dangerous people sorry to steal the thread but i know exactly where your coming from baby steps work and i find going out not alone helps loads

30-06-12, 22:06
I know how your feeling I am always convinced that people are talking about me staring at me laughing at me. But more likely than not I bet they haven't even noticed us. When you get these thoughts and feelings try and take a deep breath and either move on or reason with them. Why would people be talking you? Their probably too absorbed in their own lives. Don't allow dstaying in 247 to become a routine because it really doesn't help hun. Message me whenever you like if you need to chat xxx