View Full Version : I'm terrified.. Don't know what to do!

13-12-11, 09:13
I just feel like I'm always unwell..
I've had labrynthitis twice.. Tonsillitis twice.. All in the space of a few months, I'm finding it so hard to cope as I think I've got labyrinthitis again for the third time, I'm just so worried that it's not as simple as that and it's part of a serious illness and that I'm going to be really unwell, I feel so out of control and I'm so scared. I've got a doctors appointment today but I'm so scared there gonna tell me that I've got something really wrong with me :(
Some of the symptom I have got include:
- dizziness
- headaches
- full feeling in the ears
- achy body
- dry mouth
- tiredness
- feeling sick
- sore throat
- temperature
And lots more, I just hate feeling like this, I want to be feeling okay again because then my anxiety is a lot easier to deal with :(
I'm terrified about going to the doctors
Does anyone have any advice or comments? Would be very much appreciated xxx

13-12-11, 09:27
Poor you sounds like youve had a rough couple of months :hugs: I'm sure you'll be fine at the docs and get the reassurance you need. There are some nasty bugs going around at the moment x

13-12-11, 10:15
Thankyou, I hope that's all it is! Will update and let you know what she says :) just fed up of being worried and scared all the time xx