View Full Version : Not sure

12-12-11, 13:44
Hi All...I`ve just joined today and am just looking for some advice or wisdom really. Been having some symptoms for afew months

I will just give abit of background, I am 27 just qualified from Uni last year and have spent the last year working in a well known "stressful" profession. Prior to this I have suffered with migraines and psoriosis since I was a child. Had a very severe migraine last year which resulted in me being admitted to hospital, everyone said to me oh maybe your stressed but I genuinely felt fine. Then earlier this year my hair started falling out, again people said itl be stress related, again I was adament I was fine and truely felt ok. However, when visiting my GP with this symptom, I was told "nothing really can be done, its one of those medical mysteries, it might grow back, it might all fall out its difficult to say!"

Following this I definately was not fine, and spent a couple of weeks very upset and tearful until I eventually went back to another GP and burst into tears over it all. He signed me off work for 2 weeks and said I was stressed. I tried to explain I wasnt before, these feelings were since I found my ever growing bald patch! But regardless he put it all down to stress. I perhaps stupidly didnt take the time off as I was in the middle of changing jobs and it was the worst timing in the world for me to be sick, especially with stress related issues. I was worried about my references and my new job withdrawing their offer. So I just plodded on.

Luckily, my hair started growing back awhile later and I felt alot better. Started my new job 7 months ago and felt fine. But for the last while I`ve had lots of strange feelings but I cant pinpoint anything thats bothering me. Every friday night I got strange tight feelings in my chest and I could feel my heart beating very fast, also seemed to have alot more headaches and just felt general strange and restless. I tended to have plans on fridays so would either be out with friends or have people round which would take my mind off it (im also sure the odd glass of wine helped aswell! :roflmao:) So it used to pass and I was able to just ignore it, Id start a new week and then the same would happen the following friday night. I went on like this for awhile until 3 weeks ago I woke up on a Sunday night with severe backpain in my lower back and chest pain. I couldnt work out if they both came on at once or i was getting worked up because of my back. I ended up awake all night and couldnt go into work the next day. Ive now ended up having a couple of weeks off work because my back is so sore but seem to be getting more and more anxiety symptoms to the point im struggling to sleep and just feel nervous about everything.

To scared to go see my Doctor as I dont know where to even start, ive been doing research into stress and anxiety and alot of the symptoms on sites such as this I seem to be experiencing but I`m so embarressed I havnt spoken to anyone about it at home but its really affecting my day to day routine now. I was originally off with a bad back but now these pains and anxiousness seem to be the same :shrug:

Anyway, sorry for the long post. Im just struggling that I genuinely felt fine (despite people telling me otherwise) and now feel so rubbish


12-12-11, 14:18
Hi Puglove and Welcome to NMP. :hugs:

The thing with anxiety and stress etc, is it can present itself in so many ways. Some physical some emotional. I'm afraid there's not rules when it comes to this dratted thing.

My opinion and i'm certainly not qualified to say 'Yes' or 'No' but going on your stmptoms, i'd say it was more than likely hun.

Anxiety can present itself when all seems good in your life. Unfortunately, again...there is no rules to it and most of the time, we can't pinpoint what exactly triggered it.

You said you didn't want to go to your GP as you wouldn't know where to start explaining. Try to sit down and write a list of how you have been feeling and how it's been effecting you. Oh and don't think you've suddenly gone nuts or something because Anxiety is so so so common. Lol

Regarding the hair loss. Yup i have definately heard of that one...

Have a read at this thread....


Take care for now


12-12-11, 14:25
It sounds like possible panic attacks brought on with social phobia.I have the same and it is not nice.
I started with a terrible back problem in February and had to give up sport......I stayed indoors alot and things went from bad to worse....
I,d had panic attacks before triggered by other more deep rooted reasons,I,ll not go into.
The meltdown came a few weeks ago after seeing my mum have a seizure and then getting into a state about my daughter traveling abroad.I guess I have health anxiety too as I was convinced I had Ovarian cancer.
Anyway,I think it would be a good idea to chat to your doctor about this...they might not offer you meds straight away....perhaps coping strategies etc.....breathing exercises.
Losing your hair must have been extremely alarming,and I can only imagine that, even though it has grown back....something is triggering the uncomfortable self conscious feelings you had before.Your doctor may offer you cbt (therapy) I am on the waiting list for it.
I really would see your doctor,they deal with this every day,its extremely common
take care x

12-12-11, 15:46
Thanks for replying :)

I know I defo need to go and see my GP and good idea writing everything down. I hadnt thought of it like that so thank you.

Ive had time to reflect and with hindsight, there has been a lot going on these past few years, im quite hard on myself and my default reponse is to ignore things and carry on so suppose a mixture of all of this doesnt help. Ive never been very good at talking about things either, I even remember as a child my parents worrying about me for bottling everything up!

Anyway, will see about getting an appointment at some point this week. Need to do something as this feeling is horrible

12-12-11, 18:46
puglove, its good that you have recognised possible anxiety symptoms, so you can start to address them. One thing I would say is be very careful about drinking alcohol to feel relaxed, its a very dangerous path to go down. I know I I started doing it and my drinking spiralled out of control, anxiety is bad enough on its own, when you add drinking to it then it becomes an even more complicated mess.

COnsult your GP about your symptoms and tell them you think you may be suffering from anxiety.

12-12-11, 19:10
Harvestmouse, I understand how risky that is but also how easy it is to get into the cycle. I just observed that afew drinks helped me once or twice. Being careful not to start that though

12-12-11, 19:22
I too have just registered with this site tonight.

I discovered it via surfing round.I am millyimp22...and was looking for sites to do with feeling queazy...I also have anxiety /panics .

I deal with them ok now though, as I have had them for so long, it is the feeling queazy that gets to me at the moment. I drink peppermint tea and peppermint cordial..for the queaziness but find (burping)a lot helps to relieve it too,which can be embarrasing .

I am hoping I can find some help in here,I do not like going to the usual Dr`s,as I am far more into the complimentary remedies).

My Dr himself is also into complimentary, as well as the orthodox prescriptions,and says if you find something that helps then take it,so rather than go to him I search for the alternative remedies.

Well that is all for now,so I will say byeeee and hope to meet like minded people to chat with .

take care


12-12-11, 19:38
Thank you! Nice to meet you :)

I've only notIced these problems for the last month and a half. However thinking about it I remember years ago telling my friend that I thought I had something wrong with my heart as it used to ache and waking up in the night feeling panicked. It only happened occasionally though and had forgot about it. Looking through this site is making things click together abit I have to say