View Full Version : Citalopram and a certain antibiotic

05-12-11, 17:48
Hello everyone,
This is a strange one but something I've to eperience, endure.

Normally, there isn't an issue with citalopram and antibiotics. However, I had to take Clarithomycin for a persistant chest infection that wouldn't go away. I forgot to tell the doctor that I'm taking citalopram. I searched though the leaflet and found that these antibiotics can't be taken while on anti psychotic drugs. What about antidepressants? The chemist said there's no interation with clarithomycin and citalopram. However, one of the side effect is increased anxiety.

When taking this antibiotic for the week, my anxieties did increase from time to time throughout each day of the work. It was managable though. However, since finishing my course, I've flet somewhat a worse anxiety wise. I almost feel like I'm starting from scratch with citalopram. I have continued taking citalopram throughout. I just wondered if the antibiotic has interacted with citalopram and messed with my seritonin levels.

I don't know; this all could be suggestion on my part for lookng at the leafet or, becuase I'm being treated with anxiety that I'm more than likely to have this side effect.

I know this is a long, long shot but has anyone had experience of taking both meds at the same time?

Justin :)

12-12-11, 10:15
Ah, it's a real shame no one's experienced this lol. it's a pitty as I'm sure Clarithomycin (antibiotic) is responsible for undermining the effects of the citalopram I'm taking.

I've been taking 20mg cit since Sept. I adjusted well by October. Felt a semblance of my old self. Got ill just before halloween with some virus, chesty cough. got better by halloween but, it returned by guy fawks night with a vegance. I was ill for over a month with this chest infection.

I was given amoxcillin for a week. That didn't disrupted the citalopram. It didn't get rid of my infection either. I was then, given clarithomycin 500mg to take for a week. One of the side effects is increased anxiety which aggrivated my original problem.

Since finishing clarith, I've felt crappy for the last nine days. Hieghtened anxiety, tense now and again and I'm very hot and sweaty in the mornings.

I felt worse after taking my first cit since finishing the course of clarithomycin. Sunday before last is when I started feeling rubbish. I'm starting feel a bit better at certain times of the day. I'm feeling more happier and courage. However, I still get the panicky, anxious rubbish feelings, mainly in the mornings.

Does this sound like Clarithomycin have stopped the cit from working?