View Full Version : thyroid question

01-06-06, 04:06
hi my major anxiety/panic attacks were most severe when my thyroid was underactive but i also went on medication at the same time. it's been 6 months now and my thyroid is at a normal level and without any medication and i don't know whether it is just coincidence or the medication but my anxiety eased up a lot when my thyroid level did. Has anybody else had their thyroid levels fix themselves up without any medication? Also can anybody tell me whether it will take a nosedive in the future or stay at the same level? Have not been able to find answers anywhere. many thanks desi

01-06-06, 10:57

I can't answer your question, but I know that having thyroid problems can be a cause of anxiety and depression.

I went to be doctors a while ago for a blood test because I was getting tight chests and she noticed that my thyroid wasn't right. I thought 'great! It's something physical wrong with me that can be fixed and I'll be fine again'. My weight does go up and down quite a lot too and I've never go any energy, so that seemed to answer all my problems.

However, the next blood test I went for my thyroid was normal!! And I still felt as terrible as ever.

Ships in harbour are safe..but that's not what ships were built for.

01-06-06, 16:30
Hi desi - I'm wondering exactly the same thing.

There can be a whole bunch of causes for an underactive thyroid, and doctors should be able to investigate and find out what's causing it.

I've had a "Thyroid antibodies test"

which came back positive indicating that's what's behind mine - it appears that current recieved wisdom is if that's the case then its not going to fix its self and you should take the thyroid replacement hormone.... I'm hoping mine will fix itsself though.

01-06-06, 16:36
Hi Desi
I have thyroid probs, have done for years since my daughter was born. Went overactive and couldn't control it with drugs so 4 yaers ago had op to sort it out and that sent me under. Had my first panic attack and depression at that time. Anxiety on and off ever since. But have always been a bit of a worrier before all that but not as bad. My thyroid level is dependent on meds now.


'This too will pass'

05-06-06, 17:02
Hi Desi,

I have had an underactive thyroid for going on 11 years now and have always had to take meds. You need to keep yours closely monitored as your tsh (thyroid hormone) can go up and down. I personally have never heard of anyones being cured on it's own. There is a great book out there called "The Thyroid Book for Dummies". It explains everything. My anxiety is much worse when my thyroid is off which is often. I have no idea why it goes whacko. I will tell you this though, this is nothing to mess around with. I hope you are seeing an endocrinologist. Hope this helps.
