View Full Version : Been to GP, trapped wind but still worried

21-11-11, 14:01
I went to GP today to get checked over after a weekend in pain. I have had a horrible heavy trapped wind feeling all under left breast since Friday night. It hurts to bend over, feels like a heavy pusling pain just on left breast? hurts to lie down like a pressure....... if i bend forward i can bring some wind up.

He checked me over, heart etc.... he said i feel and sound fine. He said it is acid due to going back on wheat after a weeks break and we suspect i am wheat intolerant.

I also suffer IBS but this is all very high up.

Could it really be wind this high up? why has it been trapped for so long? it has been 3 days now.

I am scared that when i bend over i get that pulsing heavy feeling in my left breast that i have a blood clot or something, in my heart:weep:

I told my nurse friend that and she said no, if it was a blood clot in your heart it would be instant and you would just go bang.

Can anyone reassure me or slap me? I am sat alone feeling very worried.

21-11-11, 14:25
Your doctor has already told you that you're fine. Seriously they don't just get to be doctors without years and years of training! Trust what was said. It isn't a blood clot in your heart for sure!
Have a hug and a slap!!

21-11-11, 14:30
Thanks Pacer.

I think the pain as it hurts so much when i bend forward like a heavy pulsing just worried me and made me feel anxious. I trust my GP, I just felt alot worse when I got home:-(

21-11-11, 15:26
Have another hug and slap from me :).

I sometimes get very intense pain in different places, sometimes up, under my ribs, usually on the left side. When it comes on, I am often doubled over in pain unable to stand up straight. With me it usually starts late in the evening, so I go to bed, get as comfy as I can, and when I wake up in the morning it's gone.

It's annoying and uncomfortable, but nothing to worry about.

21-11-11, 16:30
Thank you.

It's my third day of it so I'm really worried:(((

21-11-11, 16:42
Just wondering, if you and your doctor think you are wheat intolerant, why do you have to suffer for a month? Can't you just forget the official diagnosis and just avoid wheat from now on?

BTW, I know absolutely nothing about wheat intolerance, so don't go against what your doctor has said without checking with him first. Just seems to me you are going to suffer for a month to be told what you already know.

21-11-11, 18:29
I know, my friend says the same. They want to test if I am coeliac so you need to eat it for a month before testing, as I had cut it out recently.

21-11-11, 19:24
I get a very "heavy" feeling in my chest when I have heartburn/indigestion. I get pain from my chest down to my abdomen, have to keep moving the hot water bottle about! Doc says it's normal. Although I had to to phone NHS 24 at the weekend cos of severe abdominal pain/cramps (It'll be my IBS flaring up again) and they kept asking me about my chest pains, "Can you beathe ok" etc. I had to reassure THEM it was down to indigestion.

I'm already on omeprazole and In the last three weeks I've also been given Gaviscon Advance, Windeze, Fybogel and Mebeverine. Now I've got piles :weep:

Doctors in the morning. NHS suggested I ask for blood test to be done.

Feeling pretty sorry for myself too, this is my third week of it now. :-(

Hope you feel better soon. x

21-11-11, 21:38
Hope you feel better soon too x

Rachel W
21-11-11, 23:49
This is strange as I had really bad wind pain in my stomach and upper back last Tuesday and since then have felt that I want to burp all the time (although I don't much) and had sensitivity under the ribs as you stated, especially when lying on my side. It seems to be relieved when I drink peppermint tea and then eat which seems to displace the wind, but my stomach gurgles. My stools are normal though, just my upper stomach, under my ribs. I don't have any intolerance that I know of as I eat pretty much everything, often, without issue. I don't eat much on Mondays as I am out all day so pretty much only eat breakfast so I wonder if it was possible that when I ate Tuesday morning it started the process. I just hope it clears up soon as it is very annoying, although the pain has subsided which is a good sign.

22-11-11, 02:14
Just very worried as its got worse and it really hurts high in chest and shoulder on left side, especially when I bend down. Got me thinking alsorts.

22-11-11, 09:31
Going back to GP in an hour. I am worried sick, I was up half th enight thinking I had a PE or some kind of blood clot.

It hurts when I bend forward or reach my left arm out, so I have been worried sickbut my nurse friend thinks it is intercostal damage.

Worried sick about going to GP:-(((

22-11-11, 09:59
let us know x

22-11-11, 14:36
He assured me it is intercostal damage and I need to rest.

22-11-11, 18:36
you ok with that?

22-11-11, 20:09
I think he is right, just in so much pain I can't help but feel a bit on edge about it.

23-11-11, 07:29
Thanks Rachel.

It's very painful, it's my 5th day of it and muscle pain:(( still really hurts on left side and only sitting relieves the pain. Walking around or bending makes it worse.

23-11-11, 08:54
i have this but on my right hand side its fine when im sitting but when i move about it gets worse i also get chest pain it feels really sore but not to touch just when im moving and ive had mine for 8 weeks now they told me it can take up to a year or more to go away and in some cases it never does but it isnt life threatening its just uncomfortable dont worry about it you be ok xx:hugs:

25-11-11, 07:42
Thank you very much x