View Full Version : First Post - introducing myself

19-11-11, 18:42
I have joined today. I have had anxiety before and its a long story but it has come back with avengence just recently and I've been really struggling with it. I work, drive, have a family,function to the naked eye but underneath sometimes I feel so very exhausted with the constant state of panic. It doesn't seem to be easily controlled. I jump at the slightest thing, my hearing seems extra sensitive, just the slightest thought sometimes triggers increased panic on top of a constant panic. I am a chronic insomniac and can be awake feeling like I'm wired to the electricity grid all night and then have to get through a day at work. I cannot take time off work. I've been there before and I know if I give into it I would just end up being a recluse and I don't want that to happen because it would worry the people I care about. I have had endless trips to the docs but at best he seems disinterested and at worst he seems bored with me. I have turned to a herbalist as an alternative and am having some success and some mild relief on and off. The chap that runs the shop spends time talking to me, seems to understand and has a vast knowledge of what might help. He gives me names of things to try but does not encourage me to try anything until I look them up an the internet and decide for myself. A couple of things seems to be helping but I probably need more time before I decide if its worth talking about and from what I read it seems that supplements are good for some and not for others as everyone is different. Anyway thats me

19-11-11, 18:44
Hi josiejo

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

Vanilla Sky
19-11-11, 19:01
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Paige x

19-11-11, 19:08
Hi and :welcome: xx

20-11-11, 09:28
I am having some relief from anxiety by taking a passion flower supplement but still can be awake all night with mind chatter. Its like whatever hormone kicks in to make you sleep just isn't in me. I was awake all night last night and that then makes the day even harder to get through. Is there anyone out there with this probelm and is there anything that works for you that I could try?