View Full Version : dizziness

18-11-11, 19:29
Last night about 2-3am cant really remember i woke up for the loo and i was dizzy walking and had to hold on to everything and everything was moving sideways back and forth but as soon as i laid down again i was OK and i was fine this morning to. bit strange. never had this before. :wacko:

18-11-11, 20:32
Hey Emma,
When you're lying in bed asleep your blood pressure is low because you are inactive and horizontal so you don't need blood pumped round at high force. Then when you suddenly stand up to go to loo, your blood pressure hasn't quite had time to respond quickly enough to the change in posture and sudden activity. So your head temporarily isn't getting the blood it needs, so you feel dizzy. It's harmless because your body quickly adjusts again, it's just because of the sudden change in circulation requirements. You felt fine again when you lay back down because that helped the blood get back to your head. Everyone can get this from time to time especially young healthy people because they don't have high blood pressure. Hope that makes sense and helps to reassure you!

18-11-11, 21:43
Head rush, it can kick in too after you started walking :)

19-11-11, 16:42
Thanks you x
Nice to know healthy peoeple get it as i dont beleive im healthy! lol x