View Full Version : Neck and back tension....

15-11-11, 11:22
can anyone relate to having a wile lot of tension on there neck and back.... it like a burning, creeping sensation....horrable.....:ohmy:

15-11-11, 11:27
Yes i have. My neck was sore the other day when i turned my head to the side and it felt sore when i rubbed it. And i also keep getting burning/tingly feeling in between my shoulder blades that doesnt last very long. And i also have just posted about getting feelings in my back as though i have been kicked or punched. I also woke up today feeling like i had been riding a bike, sore bum muscles like i have been excercising or something. Strange.

15-11-11, 11:30
I had this constantly for over 7 years, so I can certainly relate! It often left me dizzy and like I was being pulled over backwards, and stopped me from sleeping properly. Have you found anything that helps you?

For me, it was a case of nightly hot baths, an infra-red massager and stretching exercises.

15-11-11, 14:29
Yes.I had this 12 years ago. Tension was so bad in neck and shoulders.It was like a creepy, hot tingling which seemed to go from shoulders to neck and up over scalp.. It went away when my tension improved.

15-11-11, 14:52
Oh I am so glad someone else posted about this! I slept in a really funny position the other night and it left me with a really sore neck which is only going away really slowly...I'm aware that I'm quite tense whilst I'm not moving my neck properly and this is giving me back ache too...I had started to think some not so positive things!

15-11-11, 15:17
I hate this problem, it interferes so much with your life when it is chronic. I have tried many solutions and the only that have worked for me are: acupuncture, ice packs, and massage. Hope that some of you find relief!

15-11-11, 20:17
All the time. Massage, hot/cold packs, breathing to release tension, yoga, gentle stretching... anything that helps you relax.

16-11-11, 20:59
Thanks guys this was a huge help....i am such a tense person and carry alot of it on my neck and back..... ive been useing heated massage creams and calmers....the yoga would be worth a trying.... the sensatios on my back are horrable....

blue moon
16-11-11, 22:00
I can relate,sitting at computer I slouch my posture is bad,I bought new pillows to help with neck but still bad it is the creepy crawling sensation I do not like.
Petra x

Fly away Katie
16-11-11, 22:31
I have it now. Altho just the neck. Its so tiring :'( xxx