View Full Version : Really good time

15-11-11, 08:57
I am feeling proud of myself because I wandered round town on my own, yesterday eve.

Had a really good time when a TV personality arrived in my area and I saw him go past me and I ended up being on tv with my handmade banner three times.

Luckily I had enough money for the bus. Didn't know how I'd travel out of town for a while yesterday eve, cos I'd left my bus pass at home.:ohmy:

Thank you and sorry to chatroom members who had to put up with me going on n on about what I wanted to achieve yesterday and I would like to thank other nmp members, for your encouragement and support, yesterday by phone - you know who you are.:yesyes:


15-11-11, 11:33
Well don ju.ann, i know how hard that can be, keep it up, wish i'd seen you on telly lol. take care x

15-11-11, 12:14
The One Show. 14 November. Now on BBC Iplayer is where you can see the event.

15-11-11, 12:36
Well done Ju, glad you had a good time!