View Full Version : bowel cancer scare age 31 ?

13-11-11, 22:31
ok so i was constipated for 4 days due to co codamol after taking 2 laxatives passed a hard stool then had really loose bowles and sometimes had hard bits of poo in aswell that was 3 weeks ago since then ive had really loose poo like ive not emptied my bowles properly plus i hardly pass wind i feel it bubbling around but it doesnt come out or only a little bit and doesnt smell my anxiety has hit the roof for the past 5 weeks constant ive lost some weight but i also feel like my food goes through my system far to quickly as it looks like its got undegested bits in it could explain the weight loss my stomache also looks bloated im a big girl but still noticeable any ideas would be greatfull going to my docs in the morn what do you think it could be :weep:

13-11-11, 23:24
i think you have upset yor digestive system i dont think for 1 minute you have anything to worry about honestly x

14-11-11, 15:03
now ive just been informed by my doctor that i have low ferritin levels you can imagine my shock as this can be a sign of bleeding or tumors so ive read my mind is now in overdrive and im so scared but he said its nothing to worry about as my iron levels are fine at 13 so confused right now and in a state of despair