View Full Version : Weird feeling at night in stomach

10-11-11, 10:56
Hey Everyone, Just looking for some reasurence really!! Well i think im starting to come to terms with HA and trying to accept its just anxiety untill i started getting this new symptom happining in the night, it doesnt happen all the time prob around once twice a week, basically i wake up and have this odd feeling in my stomach, kinda like a massive need for sugar/adreniline im not really sure tbh what it is!! feels like my bodys gonna exsplode into loads of pieces lol!! and it makes me feel kinda shaky! it lasts for about a hour then gos! Im really scared about this symptom i think its cos it feels so weird!!! Has anyone had this? or know maybe what it is??..... its not diabetes or anything is it? xxxxxx

10-11-11, 11:38
Hi helen, sorry i can't advise you on this symptom, but i'm sure it will be to do with your anxiety however why not talk to your gp, just to put your mind at rest if it persists. good luck and take care x

10-11-11, 18:10
Hi Helen, it sounds as though it could be a reactive hypoglycaemia. This has absolutely nothing to do with diabetes in any way or form, it is purely a symptom of anxiety.
Your blood sugar is kept within fairly narrow limits and with this condition your blood sugar will be within normal limits but as a result of your anxiety more insulin is released into the blood stream and your blood sugar drops rapidly, so your body releases adrenaline to stabilise things. This is when your body will feel on edge and shaky and you may feel very anxious.
The treatment is simple, have some carbohydrate, never sugar so when you go to bed try a chunk of cheese or a cheese sandwich. With an attack just try some cheese or a banana. These foods will help stabilise things and will keep things balanced far longer than sugar products such as chocolate. I hope this helps, I just hope you like cheese or bananas.

10-11-11, 20:49
Thanx Hun, That helps loads im going to bed with a banana tonight (ok that sounds so wrong hahahahah) Im glad it doesnt sound like anything serious thanx so much for replying xxx

10-11-11, 21:01
I think i have had them if they are the same only mine happened during the day. It happened to me twice a few weeks ago. I start feeling funny then all shaky and jittery inside as though you need sugar and i felt awful like i was going to faint. It lasts about 10mins but i feel awful afterwards. That happened and i think looking back that was a warning sign my anxiety was on its way big time.

10-11-11, 21:06
Yes Zippy thats how i feel in the night, like u need a sugary sweet or something else u will faint, mine lasts for prob about 20 mins then i go back to sleep. xxx

10-11-11, 21:12
Yes its like your blood sugar levels arent right because i even bought a blood glucose monitor thingy the first time it happened to me even though i didnt know what having low blood sugar felt like. I didnt use it though because it didnt happen for ages but it happened twice a few weeks ago. I feel really ill at the moment so i think its maybe a warning sign for me when i get it.

10-11-11, 21:35
Helen and Zippy, what is causing your symptoms is a rapidly falling blood sugar level because of a massive release of insulin. This is a much faster drop than somebody with a normalised autonomic nervous system would ever have. Your body releases adrenaline because adrenaline raises blood sugar levels. Now your adrenaline will have an effect on how you feel but that is just a by product of a normal bodily response.
To combat this reactive hypoglycaemia you must eat small meals and often. When I had it I used to have something every three hours and a small carbohydrate snack before I went to sleep and it sorted it for me 100%.
When your anxiety gets better and your autonomic system balances then it will not happen. Honestly it nots serious, it's just very unpleasent and as I said before it has nothing to do with any chronic illness.
You will feel ill because your brains main energy food is sugar and it will do anything to ensure its gets an adequate supply. If you ever get feelings of dread then that is your brain getting into a panic because it has sensed that the blood sugar is falling and without that it cannot survive. In this condition that will never happen but on the falling blood sugar your brain will react. I hope this helps put your mind at rest.