View Full Version : Feeling light headed/dizzy

03-11-11, 09:56
On Tuesday night around 10.30pm I started feeling really really light headed and dizzy and started shaking, about an hour after finishing eating a big pizza, when I was working on my computer. I had been staying up quite late the previous few days staring at a computer screen, and getting on average only about 4 hrs sleep (I was finishing assignments for a course Im doing around work) so I assumed maybe I was just really tired and strung out, so I went staright to bed where the dizziness stopped. Its not the drunk type of dizzy where the room is spinning and it gets worse when you lie down its more a feeling of being on a boat and walking on air, and being detatched and ever so slightly nauseas.

When I got up yesterday I initially felt better but after a few hrs I started to feel really dizzy and light headed again and I still feel like that today! I dont have a history of this happening randomly. I have only ever felt like this twice before, both times after I had been on a flight and when I went to the docs back then she said it was fluid that had moved in my ears due to the pressure of the flight and it took about a week each time for the effects to disappear. I havent been on a flight for about 8 months though or been up anywher that is high altitude so it cant be the same thing though the feeling is the same.

Im worried its something sinister such as a brain tumor or I have read that symptoms like this can be the first signs of cjd, also worried it might mean Im something like diabetic (are these symptoms of this). Hoping its something very simple as know light headedness and dizziness can be caused by alot, my doctor is very dismissive of me usually, even when I went a few months back with very swollen glands she asked why I would come to the doc for that so darent go just yet.

Has anyone else had symptoms like these lasting so long and there was a nice innocent cause. Does it sound serious :-s

03-11-11, 10:30
Hi. I had light headedness going on for around 6 months and I'm sure it was my anxiety causing it. In the end I had an mri and everything was fine. See what you feel like maybe tmrw and if you are no better go and see the doc. Can you perhaps see a different doctor if yours is not very sympathetic. You have every right to go there if you are worried and not feeling well. However, I'm sure it will be fine its just anxiety getting the better of you and causing symptoms. Take care

03-11-11, 18:10
I have had dizziness and that light headed feeling on and off for the past 2 years. I think it's due to hyperventilation.

03-11-11, 18:40
Yeah i have had the light head and dizzyness on and off for around a year now.

16-11-11, 10:55
Im still getting the dizziness (so has been 2 weeks now), it isnt constant, it comes all of a sudden and last for maybe 20mins or so maybe 10 to 20 times a day (weird I know). The dizziness is still the spaced out undulating feeling as oppose to the world spinning. Also, now I have a pulsing feeling in the left side of mu head just above my ear, every 30 seconds or so I feel it twitching and pulsing and when I put my hand on it I can feel what I assume is the blood bubbling through the vein there! Could these things be related?

Ive read that the pulsing vein in my head could be inflammation of the cartoid artery or temporal arteritis, although I have no pain, these are basically damage or inflammation to veins in my head. Tried to get a docs appt but there is currentl about a two week wait.....

16-11-11, 12:03
I've been getting dizzy for about the past month. I went to the docs after about a week and a half of it, he put it down to anxiety and started me on 20mg citalopram. The side effects of this have made the dizziness really bad, but now I've been on the for about 3 weeks the anxiety has eased but I'm still getting the dizziness, so I'm still freaking out about that! I've never had anything like this in the past but i have experienced a lot of anxiety in other ways so i think its just my body finding another way of being anxious! I'm fine in bed and when i'm sitting still, but once i get up it starts up again. Its ok in the morning and gets worse throughout the day, so by the evening I'm a nervous, dizzy reck!

16-11-11, 12:16
I would put it down to anxiety as well, but it just came on out of the blue one night when I was on the computer. Ive been fairly ok if late in terms of health worries and wasnt particularly worried about anything at the time.....

18-11-11, 12:29
Sighs, still feeling off balance and light headed but also really tired now!! Throat is hurting as well as of yesterday, plus am incredibly gassy and burping all the time (which I NEVER do!). Dont know if any of that is related to the dizziness/off balance as that started almost 3 weeks ago and these other symptoms have only just got started.... beginning to fret its start of MS or maybe leukeamia, or maybe even heart disease at 27?? as I also feel so weak, good job I have a day off work today, though pretty crapy way to spend it.... supposed to be seeing Breaking Dawn later (the twilight film) but not sure Il make it :-(

18-11-11, 12:55
I wouldn't start thinking the worse like MS and leukemia and heart disease as you have had no tests done and no reason to believe it is any of these.

I had dizziness for over 2 years and it was anxiety related.

It could be a simple bug - loads going round at the moment.

You really need to see the doc as we cannot diagnose illnesses just based on words - they need to do some basic tests etc.

26-11-11, 10:03
Went to the doc, he looked in my ears and said they were fine and he looked into my eyes to see if was pressure budlding up but there wasnt so he then sat down and said just over 3 weeks is not a long time to be dizzy and that I need to come back in 4 to 5 months if still dizzy. Despite seeing nothing in my ears he said its probs an ear thing or caused by remnants of a virus, despite fact havent had one! Should I see a second opinion?? I was basically fobbed off as I always am with some of us have different things its nothing but o actual tests were offered or done!?

Still feeling very off balance and light headed so will probs go back before 4 months are up to ask again if persists :-(

26-11-11, 11:35
I know how you are feeling as I went through a spell of being light headed a few years ago and it went on for about 4 or 5 months and I was thinking of nothing else. The doc did not think there was anything wrong but because I had private medical insurance through my husbands job, I was referred for an MRI, just to shut me up basically. It wasnt really necessary but when you go private its a whole different world. When the results came back ok, the dizzyness virtually vanished overnight and I moved on to the next ailment! So what I am trying to say, in my long winded way, is that it was anxiety fuelling my fears and making me feel lightheaded. Its hard but try not to think about it and see what happens.

26-11-11, 11:37
I know how you feel i am suffering from headaches and dizziness/off balance for the last 3-4 weeks. I even went to the opticians on thursday and they take a photo of your eyeball and all your blood vessels which checks for blockages and they also do a pressure test. My heart was pumping out of my chest because i was sure he was going to tell me he could see something, BUT no everything was fine. Also just had all my bloods done and they were all fine so i guess its anxiety which i am finding hard to accept.

26-11-11, 14:09
hi louise, i have just been reading your threads and i honestly think it's anxiety. I've had 'head' problems for 7 years and have been to different doctors asking for an MRI scan which they are reluctant to do. I've also had blood tests done/ears and eyes checked like you had and it's all clear. I started suffering from panic attacks in 2004 and this is when my head problems started so it kind of makes sense even though when you are feeling crap you start thinking all sorts. I went to my doctor just the other day but i think he's getting a bit fed up with me now. Like you, i thought i had a brain tumour and all sorts and started googling my symptoms etc. I even have a blood sugar testing kit even though i'm not diabetic thank god, and i also have a blood pressure monitor so that i can keep an eye things. I hope this gives you a bit of hope and that things start getting better for you, let me know how you get on, Lorra.