View Full Version : Territorial Army, depression?

01-11-11, 00:26
Hi there, I've always had a strong interest in a military career but i've been held back by worries, lack of motivation. I also went through a very severe bout of depression in 2009 which lasted a year. I am starting to get ready to join the TA but im scared i will be refused due to my severe depression i had. I am way past that point in my life and will never fall back into it, but im still worried that i will be refused entry.

Im not sure if anyone here would be able to answer this but has anyone had experience with a similar situation or have the knowledge to understand the situation?

Thank you, Will B

01-11-11, 01:53
Have you undertaken any written tests for entry to the TA? The army usually conducts psychological tests on everyone before accepting them. If they have any concerns with your answers they will talk to you about them.

You should have a medical too, which will include questions about your mental health.

Good luck.

01-11-11, 03:42
American military, red flag BUT not always a disqualification :)

Neurotic, anxiety, mood, somatoform, dissociative, or factitious disorders

The causes for rejection for appointment, enlistment, and induction are a history of such disorders resulting in any or all of the below:

a. Admission to a hospital or residential facility.

b. Care by a physician or other mental health professional for more than 6 months.

c. Symptoms or behavior of a repeated nature that impaired social, school, or work efficiency

Then this is the UK

Ongoing psychiatric illness. Psychosis. Schizophrenia. Obsessive-compulsive
disorder. Autism. Personality disorder. More than one episode of deliberate self-harm
of any type. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Alcohol, drug or substance
dependence. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) unless free of symptoms
and not requiring treatment for at least three years. Anorexia and bulimia

Note though it DOES state ongoing.

No idea about the Irish but you could ask here>http://www.military.ie/

They do a live chat too so you can ask without them knowing who you are :)