View Full Version : Hi All

25-10-11, 09:27
Hi everyone,

I'm new here after finally accepting I do have a bit of a problem. :(

Basically, amongst many other things, I have anxiety, OCD, IBS, TP and depression, and have had these for as long as I can remember, but been in denial a long time. Although this has not yet been diagnosed......I've been too scared of going to the doctor, it's not real until a doctor says it is right!? :blush:

But recently, the anxiety and IBS have got to a point where I can't leave my town, have had to give up my job, and am really struggling with college as I have to keep leaving/not turning up/skipping lessons........

So have decided this really does need sorting, and that I will need to go to the doc's first. :unsure:

So yeah, hi guys. :)

25-10-11, 09:28
Hi Jimmyboy

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

25-10-11, 09:33
Hi Jimmyboy,

Welcome to NMP, everyone on this site is helpful and supportive and I always find it reassuring that we are not alone :)

Let us all know how you get on at the doctors:)

27-10-11, 17:23
Hey Jimmy,

I lost my mum back in june and since then I had been cracking up with anxiety, depression and panic attacks.

I was worried about going to the doctors at first but once I relized they could help i felt a lot better. I found talking to a female doctor was a lot easier too.

Also, I found it helped to make a list of all the problems I was having so I didnt forget when I was in there (the first time I went I forgot everything because I was nervious and panicing).

After trying a cupple of things, my doc put me on 20mg citalopram (antidepressants) which put me back to my old self again :)

You cant let this ruin your grades at college.

Good luck pal,


12-11-11, 14:21
Thanks for the welcome guys. :)

I must admit going to the doc's really didn't help though, infact it's made me slightly worse!

The doc just completely ignored the anxiety side of it and just concentrated on my weight (I am slightly underweight) and the fact I have to keep to going to the loo (mix of IBS and TP I think).......and he's adamant theres something physically wrong so wants me to have blood and urine tests done.

Now although I worry about petty much everything, I have a huge fear of needles, so theres no way I can have the blood tests done. Infact, the fear that there may be something wrong physically is partly what stopped me going to docs in first place I think.

So now I'm kinda stuck not knowing where to go next, I think I'll go and see another doc and ask him/her to concentrate on the anxiety/TP which are the main problems here!! But if the same thing happens when I try another doc I really will be stuck then. :(

12-11-11, 15:53
Hello Jimmy

I have had the same issues with going to see the doctors too, but I plucked up the courage and went, i sometimes think its actually made me worse but looking at a positive side it lead me onto find out that I'm not really going bonkers but i generally do suffer with anxiety. I believe the "its worse now" thought is just my anxiety trying to tell me that trying to sort this out has made it turn uglier, as anxiety can turn anything good into bad!

Its opened my mind up to learn more about the disorders which is actually helping me tackle it. There's the route of going down the counselling side, it sounds very daunting but if you get a person that accepts what you have to say it makes a strong difference. Also making your loved ones know about what you are dealing with helps, it may be embarrassing but honestly it will elevate the overwhelmingness that your getting by keeping it inside.

Good luck Jimmy all the best!

Veronica H
12-11-11, 21:00
:welcome:to NMP. You will find comfort and support here. Vx