View Full Version : Can I die from my heart beating so fast

24-10-11, 19:50
I am getting so down. Ive got an amazing holiday booked next year to Florida, I've travelled there before by plane. The last time I flew was last year and on the way back, we experienced really bad turublence. It wasn't the shaking that upset me, it was when the plane lost altitude and it dropped, I felt like not only my stomach was churning but my heart was going to just stop as the g force was strong.

I could get out of the state of mind I was in, and that was 'oh my god, I'm going to have a heart attack in a minute'

There's only so much your heart can take right? It can only beat so fast, and my heart was pounding. Now a year away from my next holidays, I have terrible thoughts that I'm not going to make it off that plane and enjoy my holiday, because it the plane hits an air pocket again and drops, I will have a panic attack and die.

I am so scared, what should I do? I don't want to take medication, I have done before and I didn't like it. Help :(:(

24-10-11, 19:53
Hi kathryns123

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

24-10-11, 21:33
hi love
you wont have heart attack if you have a healthy heart and im sure you have.

i have been to the docs so many times bout my heart with so many different questions for him and he always said to me that your heart can take a hell of alot of stress and diffrent kinds of exercise and many many many things like miss beats and palps.
he always says to me you will be really amazed ihope this helped you a bit all the best to youxxxx:hugs:

24-10-11, 22:01
You CANNOT die from a panic attack. The symptoms are your body's 'fight or flight' response, thinking that your body is in danger (when it almost always isn't).

An interesting thing I found out recently is that anxiety can actually protect your heart from things going wrong, it says that on this website aha. Another reason for you not to worry.

25-10-11, 16:56
No. you can't