View Full Version : 20mg to 40mg

10-10-11, 13:08

I have suffered from depression in the past and now am starting to feel better. Since August I have been on Citalopram, first 10mg then 20mg and from today 40mg. Even though my depression is getting better, my symptoms (sore throat, pins and needles, sore mouth) have not. Is 40mg the normal amount required for symptom to dissapear? This is as I feel the depression symtoms are starting to make me more depressed, making this a vicious cycle. Can someone please help?

10-10-11, 13:20
Have a look through HarrogateChris's posts and threads, his situation was similar to yours by the sounds of it. Not sure if he has been on here in ages, he has gone on to a whole exciting new life. I would go with this prescription, don't be down hearted if you feel worse before you get better, all perfectly normal, but think positive coz exciting times are just around the corner.

10-10-11, 13:38
Hi ive took 40mg b4 in the past when i was really bad, just going into my 5th wk of starting cit again and currently on 25mg gradually getting myself to 30!! Im v scared of the side effects when i increase so thats why ive done it in 5mg at a time, maybe u could try upping from 20 to 40 gradually??
Nicola xx

10-10-11, 18:43
Hi ive took 40mg b4 in the past when i was really bad, just going into my 5th wk of starting cit again and currently on 25mg gradually getting myself to 30!! Im v scared of the side effects when i increase so thats why ive done it in 5mg at a time, maybe u could try upping from 20 to 40 gradually??
Nicola xx

Hi Nicola. Did you notice much difference in your symptoms after upping 5mg? How about the side effects? Its a very small amount so I thought it wouldnt make too much difference if I went up slowly, thats why now im thinking of just making the jump from 20 to 40

10-10-11, 18:59
Hi, yep ive noticed a huge difference going up just the 5mg and had no side effects doing it that way, planning on going up another 5mg on fri to get me to 30mg, i did notice when i was on them last time that i had side effects when i increased from 20mg straight to 40mg but u might not?? did u get many side effects when u originally started on them? maybe u could go up in 10mgs?? im just a scaredy cat cause of side effects lol!!
Nicola xx

10-10-11, 19:02
Hi amzo

I have been a taking 40mg for 2yrs now, when i upped the dose from 20 to 40 i had side some side effects but they were not as bad as when i first started taking them.
I have been very stable on 40mg for the past year but please remember that everyone reacts differently & whereas 40mg may be too much for some it could be the right dose for you. In some respects I think its just as easy to take the higher dose straight away & get the side effects over with!

10-10-11, 22:06
Hi thanks for the replies guys! Nicola I did get some side effects like insomnia and a "buzzing" sensation in the head. I've just taken 40mg now, I thought never know until i try! How long have u been on medication? Annette thanks for the advice!

11-10-11, 08:59
Hi im only just going into my 5th week of taking it this time round and the side effects have been so much worse than what i can remember getting last time!! good luck let me know how u get on
Nicola xx