View Full Version : Citalopram again!

27-09-11, 21:29
Hiya all,

I know this seems to be talked about a lot :)

I am on 10mg, day 5 after trying 20mg and having awful side effects.

I seem to be suffering from anxiety which I have had in the past but a specific event has reignited it. I feel quite negative and low in mood too so I hope it will help with this.

I am starting counselling tomorrow as I know exactly why I get these feelings and want to deal with the cause.

Anyway, Citalopram making me shaky, legs ache like mad, a bit spaced and detached and I think my mood is lower than when I started. Jaw is clenched and ...sorry if TMI, I don't seem to be able to have an orgasm when we have sex anymore:scared15:Does this all get better in time?!?!

Today not a good day as my partner is away for the night and I am not feeling very relaxed or together at all. xxx

william wallace
27-09-11, 23:16
It's all part of climbing the Citalopram ladder I'm afraid. Stick with it though, because this type of med naturally makes you feel worse before it starts to make you feel better.
Go Girl!!

27-09-11, 23:23
Hey Glitterbugs :)

Would it be worth halving your 10mg again to 5? I know you're already on the half dose, but it might make this period a little easier. When I started taking it I broke the 20mg into half and the 10mg was fine for me. After 2 weeks I moved on to the full tab!

27-09-11, 23:43
Hi Glitterbugs,

I agree with starting very low. I did that with Cipralex and didn't have anywhere near the start up side effects as others appear to have had.

My partner's away for three nights next week so I know the anticipatory anxiety you're feeling.

Hang in there!


william wallace
28-09-11, 08:09
Mornin Glitterbugs hope you slept ok:)

28-09-11, 09:18
Mornin and thanks :)

I did sleep very well actually! I feel much better today, more motivated and looking forward to my counselling later...kind of...first session and think it might bring out a few emotions! BUT gotto fight this head on and try to put it to bed for ever!

I know the Citalopram thing takes commitment to start with but I am determined to do it as I know so many people who have found it life changing after the first few weeks.

Weird how something that ultimately helps you feels better can make you feel so rubbish to start with!

Hope you all slept well too and have a good day today. x

28-09-11, 09:45
Glad you're feeling a bit better today Glitterbugs :)

28-09-11, 17:05
Great to hear things are looking up today!:D

29-09-11, 09:55
Side effects lessening now and have felt brighter and more positive today and yesterday. Only thing that lingers big time is the bloomin' jaw clenching!! I don't know I am doing it then I realise and have to make a conscious effort to relax my jaw but it's starting to ache!

Counselling (first sessions) went really well yesterday and I came away feeling positive, peaceful and relaxed. I really think it will help me to move on and stop my past defining how I react to things now. Booked another session for next week!
