View Full Version : Shin pain

20-09-11, 22:12
Hi guys,
Haven't been on here for a while but the HA is setting back in so I thought I'd stop by and see if anyone has any advice.

Basically I'm getting a localised pain in my right shin, about half way up. It's neither what I'd call sharp or an ache, perhaps more of a niggle and it's not constant - I get it between 5 and 10 times a day and it's been there for about a week. I have, of course, convinced myself I've got bone cancer although it's neither an ache nor persistent - and it's not really made worse when I'm using my leg. There's no swelling or anything else, the only other 'symptom' is an ache I get behind my knee that travels to my groin and ankle. But I believe this to be a muscle thing and I also get exactly the same in my arm - both started with my anxiety and lessened while it was getting better so associated with that I assume.
The only idea I have (other than bone cancer, of course) is that it's some sort of pressure problem or strain. I started volunteering at a cat sanctuary 4 months ago and there's quite a lot of physical work involved. I'm not an unfit person but it's not the sort of exercise I'm used to - plus I do an awful lot of rushing for trains that can put pressure on my leg.

I'm planning on going to the doc's soon if it doesn't improve but am starting to panic about bone cancer so any reassurance would be great!