View Full Version : Recovery and Prevention

28-08-11, 17:47
So I've been having symptoms of anxiety, depression and panic disorder for the past 2-3 weeks.

I don't want to announce anything definitively in case this blasted thing comes back, but i feel that my nerves are a lot calmer today and i can function and think more normally. I wonder if you guys have any advice for recovery and prevention? Over past week, i have cut out alcohol and virtually all caffeinated products from my diet, including coke and my beloved chocolate! I won't stop taking these things completely, but when i start taking them i will be sure to do so in a much more healthy and balanced manner. I've also stopped stressing myself out and worrying about things. I've stopped watching movies that are too violent, serious, mature and heavy-going, even action movies. I know this probably isn't normal and to an extent OCD, but i'm also looking to seek some therapy next week. Any other advice?

28-08-11, 18:18
I take a few things for my anxiety which helps tremendously.

Vitamin C soluble capsules (1000mg) if I feel under the weather. It has antioxidants and prevents colds, sniffles etc. The last thing some people want if they are already anxious and short of breath is a cold or flu where they can't breath and feel much worse! I have not had a proper cold for 8 years since I started taking vitamin c. I usually take a 1000mg capsule if im feeling under the weather (i break it in half and have 500mg in the morning and 500mg at night). Vitamin C is so very powerful that it was actually used by the famous astologer/doctor 'Nostradamus' to cure plague victims. I think its very underatted. A cold lasts about one day with me and then its gone, they used to last between 4-5 days before I started taking vit c. Amazing!

Green Tea. Also a powerful antioxidant and proven to aid with weight loss as part of a good diet and excercise programme. Its health benefits have been well known for over 4000 years.

Exercise. It helps me feel better by releasing endorphins and helps me control my breathing and feel more in control of 'me'.

Nettle tea, cleans out my sinuses, prevents itchy nose/hayfever related things. It really works!

Camomile tea chills me out. I usually have a cup if I feel stressed or at night for a good nights sleep. It really calms me down and I found it personally more effective than any drug. It slows my erratic breathing down and makes my shoulders relax etc...Amazing stuff.

Ginger tea/ginger beer/tablets etc. They help with my IBS better than any drug ever did.

I drink just a little caffeine now (aside from whats in the green tea really) and watch other things in my diet too such as too much sugar/chocolate/alcohol etc.

I think listening to your bodys needs is the best thing, and experimenting with these drinks i reccomended or other herbal drinks is also a great idea. I belive that man made drugs should be avoided as best one can avoid them. All man made drugs come from a 'natural' source anyway...I think its better to indulge in the 'real thing'. I know natural remedys helped me more.