View Full Version : coughing up blood? pls help

25-08-11, 11:44
im full of cold,i coughes up a bit of blood yesterday,i calmed down after everybody said it was ok,this morning the same thing now i can bearly sit still long enough to write this,its not lung cancer is it ,there would be other symptoms ,i can beat anything but that,please help

25-08-11, 11:47
You have probably torn a bit of lining through the coughing, my partner has had the smae thing, I wouldnt worry unless there is alot of it

25-08-11, 13:44
I have coughed up blood when I have had cold too, it happened with the last cold I had, it freaks me out but because it's happened about 3 times now i just take it to be assosiated with colds.
Are you coughing alot? because that can cause blood too x

25-08-11, 13:51
I cough up blood pretty much everytime i have a cold. When i went to the doctors he told me it was quite common due to inflamtion and burst vessells, its nothing to worry about trust me.

Gemma T
25-08-11, 14:35
Ive coughed up blood in the past as well. I was a smoker at the time but Im sure It was because i tore something. It was a very dry cough. No trouble since.

My mum gets it and she has never smoked so I wouldnt worry x x

25-08-11, 17:49
thanks everyone im really trying,its hard to be calm i know u understand:)