View Full Version : I'm new

11-05-06, 14:38
I just wanted to say firstly thank you Nicola for creating this web site. I've been having panic attacks since I was 13 and was given medication by the doctor (Seroxat).

I have decided that now at 22 I should or am strong enough to start weaning myself off of the medication - unfortunately this has resulted in many of the 'unwelcome' feelings coming back and recently it has really been getting me down.

My problem is that I am ashamed of my panic, hardly anyone part from close family members know. One of my biggest fears is making myself look like a 'nutter' in front of people.

I decided today to tell some people at work inorder to try and ease some of the pressure on myself. The trouble is lots of people don't actually understand what a panic attack is and how scary it can actually be.

In the past I have had trouble eating out in public, as I feel that everyone is watching or that I will be sick and being away from home eg. going on holiday or if I'm home alone for days.

Anway I would like to hear from people who might me able to offer me some advice and support.

Thanks :)

11-05-06, 14:52

Hi and welcome to the site, it is really nice here you will be amde to feel very welcome and at rest with your panic.

I am exactly like you, well almost! I have been suffering since I was 18, I always had panic attacks when going to eat in public, in case i was sick, i have a serious phobia of being sick, which is weher my Panics stemed from. I also hide my Panic from a lot of people as I dont want people to ehink i am a right nutter.....lol

I have been doing so well for about 2 years, very few panics etc, but then Ban it all came back and no i seem to be suffering from health anxiety,,,nightmare.

I am doing ok after councelling.
But still have bad days......this site really turned my life around, made me feel almost normal.

anyway dont want to bore you anymore.
Enjoy the site, and you can PM me anytime

Good Luck and Hugs

Hay x

11-05-06, 15:48
Hi Jodie,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

11-05-06, 16:08
Hi Jodie - welcome to the forum
Love Helen

11-05-06, 18:49
Hi JodieM, I am also new to this site. I just wanted to say that i cant eat in front of people and i am really getting it bad lately. I am afraid i will choke and the food wont go down. I also feel people are looking at me and can see the trouble i'm having, which makes it even harder. I also have hidden the fact that i get panic attacks as like you, i feel ashamed. I decided the other day to tell my next door neighbour, and i was quite surprised to find that she understood and didnt laugh. It has made it a lot easier as i do homework with her and obviously a panic attack is something hard to hide!!. I now feel that at least i dont have to make an excuse to 'run' from her now when it gets really bad. This site seems really good. This is my 2nd time on here and it seemed reassuring that others are getting the same fears etc that ive got. I do hope, like you, that it helps us. Sorry i cant solve your problem, but at least your not alone. Gilly123


11-05-06, 19:16
Hi Jodie and welcome! I'm sure you will find this site a godsend, and we're not all nutters!(honest..) Like you i have suffered since a very young age, and for years didn't tell anyone, not even my husband(then boyfriend) As the years have gone on (i'm 31 now) i have been more open about it, and have been amazed how many others are like me! Telling my close friends was hard as like you i was ashamed of this mental illness and the stigma attached. However a problem shared is a problem halved and all that, and my friends have been an amazing support to me. Everyone has their problems and this is ours. Believe me it is nothing to be ashamed of. Heres hoping this site will help you on the road to recovery.

Love India xxx

11-05-06, 19:25
Welcome to the forum.

You might find the following information helpful:

First Steps (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/default.asp?t=cms&c=firststeps)

Symptoms (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/default.asp?t=cms&c=symptoms)

Links post: Links to posts about Common Problems (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7784)

You will find a lot of help and support here.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

May Day
11-05-06, 20:27
Hi Jodie

you'll find lots of people here willing to support you with this ... it is hard to tell people about this for fear they won't understand and that can increase your anxiety but once you've taken that step it can help you no end ... i told some one at work just part of my problem in terms i knew they could understand and even that small piece of information has helped tremendously ... its more that i know there is someone there that i can turn to if i need help with anything ... it won't be a big issue or a total surprise to them

take care


The brightest, sunniest day may follow the darkest, stormiest night ... enjoy the sun

11-05-06, 21:34
Hi Jodie

Welcome to the forum.

You will find lots of help & support on here.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

11-05-06, 22:19
hi jodie

we all here know exactly what you have went through and are here to help

you will never feel alone here

take care


11-05-06, 22:36
Hi Jodie, we all know where you are coming from - its like someone said to me - when someone has a broken leg everyone can see that it has a plaster and gives sympathy. Whe they can't see anything wrong outwardly they just think yu should be ok. But you have to know that we all understand and have been there. I've suffered on and off with panic and health anxiety for 4 yrs, each time it goes i think great, then it comes back in a different way, but each time it happens now i have learned to recognise it for what it is and accept it and know that it is just another phase and it will pass eventually. Get all the help you can, this site and forum are a good place to start.


'This too will pass'

12-05-06, 10:00
Hi Jodie and welcome,

There are so many people here in the same boat. Since I joined acouple of months ago I'm 90% better!

Shiv x

12-05-06, 11:32
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">I just wanted to say firstly thank you Nicola for creating this web site. I've been having panic attacks since I was 13 and was given medication by the doctor (Seroxat).

I have decided that now at 22 I should or am strong enough to start weaning myself off of the medication - unfortunately this has resulted in many of the 'unwelcome' feelings coming back and recently it has really been getting me down.

My problem is that I am ashamed of my panic, hardly anyone part from close family members know. One of my biggest fears is making myself look like a 'nutter' in front of people.

I decided today to tell some people at work inorder to try and ease some of the pressure on myself. The trouble is lots of people don't actually understand what a panic attack is and how scary it can actually be.

In the past I have had trouble eating out in public, as I feel that everyone is watching or that I will be sick and being away from home eg. going on holiday or if I'm home alone for days.

Anway I would like to hear from people who might me able to offer me some advice and support.

Thanks :)

<div align="right">Originally posted by JodieM - 11 May 2006 : 07:38:52</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

As one newbie to another Im glad to meet you here!

I was all but 'tricked' into taking Paxil (one of the seratonin drugs) and by the time I realised it was definately not the answer I knew I had to take myself off it.
Let me suggest a few things:

- I perfected a 'nibble method' and as funny as that sounds - I literally 'nibbed' the actual tablets themselves into smaller and smaller pieces.
Each tablet being 1 or 2% smaller each time.

- The turning point for me came when realised I was actually having 'panic' about the 'fear of withdrawal' and not from any real withdrawal itself.
I caught onto this when i realised that I had forgotten to take a pill for a day or two and that I was perfectly fine or better on those days.
If I had actually known at the time I was off my meds i would undoubtedly have picked on every tiny anxiety and said to myself "Oh.. see, there is a withdrawal symptom" and made myself even worse (and then seeing that as more proof)

- I began taking 1/4 tablets every other day.. and eventually I realised a brisk walk or ten minutes of relaxation made far more difference than the tablets effects.
I still nibbled the tablets down to tiny slivers anyways and weened off them till it was probably 1/40 of a tablet by then.

I suppose its important I add "Talk to your Doctor First' but im just saying the 'nibble' principle and being aware of what was just my anxiety and what was 'actual withdrawal symptom' had me off Paxil in 3-4 weeks.
Never looked back and still keep the prescription bottle with about 20 pills in it just to remind myself that I will never touch that again.

You WILL be able to do this and the sense of pride you have in yourself will outdo any 'family shame' you can dream of.