View Full Version : distancing yourself from people

24-08-11, 15:49
hi, i have been put on some tablets due to anxiety...called citalopram

And normally i loved chatting on the phone, and hated it when people had to go, now when people ring me i ignore the phone, dont want to speak to noone i get nervous in case they say something that will 'make me worry' i guess.

I also have been ignoring the door to people that normally come round

has anyone else felt like this...?


Veronica H
24-08-11, 16:49
I think you will find that this will pass as your nerves recover. You are probably exhausted. It is important to let people in though, so don't become too isolated.


24-08-11, 22:25
Hi - yes I'm on citalopram too, have been for 6 years.

I try to distance most people from my life these days except my little boy.

Nobody knows the real me anymore.

I understand where you're coming from, its prob easier and safer for you to keep your distance and block out any emotional 'risks'.
It's like a defence mechanism I guess.

I'm sure in time it will balance itself out and you will start to feel more like you again, the tablets will help but might take a few weeks.

25-08-11, 00:31
Hi Sarah

Yeah, I've been like this. I've never been one for chatting on the phone that much, but when my anxiety and depression was at it's peak I didnt want to go out anywhere or meet anyone and would have felt far more comfortable not facing anyone at all.

I was put on another SSRI anti-depressant (Sertraline) and after a tough few weeks due to side effects I started to feel so much better.


03-09-11, 13:25
I completely know how you feel, I too have been distancing myself from people, I just don't want to be bothered by anyone. I have been feeling like this for ages and even talking to my husband is a chore. Your not alone hun xx

03-09-11, 13:38
I am exactly the same. I am a hermit most og the time. My daughters live away and when they come to stay it is a real strain for me. I just want my house back to myself. I live alone so it's even worse.