View Full Version : A formal apology to everyone here on NMP

21-08-11, 02:51
I would like to take this post and tell everyone how very sorry I am for the many post I have made here recently. I am an old anxious person so I hope you can all accept my aplogy. I got off my med for anxiety about three months ago which has prompted me to post more than usual. Im not sure whether the lack of med made me anxious or just the thought of being off of it. I was only taking 10 mg of librium a day but did not want to be a slave to the drug companies or the doctors anymore. I maybe have not made the correct choice but I thought it better for me. I really thought that it was ok to oost here and ask about anxiius feelings and to help me in a time of anxiety. I also needed the friendship to help me through at this point in my life and maybe try to be a help to others along the way. Anyway I will try not to log on here anymore and be a nusiance to anyone. Thanks to everyone that was kind and helpful to me and once again forgive me for being such a clot.

21-08-11, 03:44
If it puts your mind at ease than ask away dude. We are all here to help each other. You don't have to apologise for anything.

21-08-11, 04:24
So what's brought this on? I mean you have had lots of people try and help you (inlcuidng me). You are going from, according to you, posting too much, to not being here at all, that doesn't make any sense!

I see now that your horrendous anxiety lately is due to withdrawal from the meds. Hope you feel better soon.


21-08-11, 04:24
I thought this was a forum about anxiety, so why wouldn't you post?

Think we all want to stay away from big pharma if we can. Only you can be the judge as to whether you need it or not. If you are battling anxiety again that you can't deal with on your own then maybe you do need the meds.

Please don't leave the site for whatever you think you have done. Each one of us will have worse days than others. :hugs:

21-08-11, 08:31
Hey there, has someone said something to upset you or insinuate that you post too much. Cause ikm pretty sure I have posted a lot more times than you this last couple of months, as I have had all sorts of terminal illnesses!! We all have our bad days or weeks, or even months when our anxiety is at its highest and we post a lot, but that is what this site is for. I too stopped taking my meds for a few months but had a relapse. I realise now that I may have to continue on the meds forever, something I'm not happy about, but anything is better than suffering with debilitating anxiety. I hope u will continue posting as you obviously need the support. And as for the drug companies, I understand what you are saying, but if we had a serious medical condition like say diabetes we would take the drugs to keep us alive, and this is an illness where at my lowest I do feel that my life could have been shortened, so why shouldn't we take the meds to help us not feel like that? Hope you feel better soon xx

21-08-11, 08:45
From one oldie to another, I would be very sorry if you stopped posting.
I have come off my meds a few times over the years but I always end up back on them. Do what you need to do to make you feel better. I hate this being old and all that it brings with it but it is here to stay and I guess we have to make the most of what we are given. We are all here to support each other and this means supporting YOU:hugs:

21-08-11, 10:10
I think this is just a knee-jerk reaction Michael cos you've been having a really stressful time lately which we all understand.

I always try to post if I think I can help and it matters not whether you post once or a 1000 times as long as you find it helpful and supportive rather than counter-productive.

You shouldn't apologise for anything as I don't see what you've done wrong, but perhaps taking a while out and reflecting will help.

I hope you come back if you need us here on NMP.

21-08-11, 10:15
I think i post too much as well,i sometimes feel embarrased by the amount of posts i write,but isnt this what the sites for uploading our worries/anxiety...you havent done anything at all wrong so please dont think you have,Your post sounds to me like someone has upset you on here and if they have then they are the ones that should be leaving.

21-08-11, 11:21
I think unless someone specific has upset you Michael, you're probably feeling guilty as we all do when suffering from anxiety - part and parcel of the condition it seems.

I don't have HA myself but I do get debilitating anxiety but I tend to keep it all to myself til I explode - not a healthy way to deal with things, so I think you posting however many times you like and getting the support you need is far healthier way to deal with things.

It doesn't bother me how many times a member posts if they are gaining something from it and if others object, they have a choice whether to read it or not.

I must admit, I find it highly annoying how HA is sometimes seen as the poor relation of the anxiety spectrum and being told 'it's just anxiety' will suddenly cure you - if only it were that easy :)

I wish you well

21-08-11, 13:55

Sorry I didn't reply to your PM's last night but I had gone to bed.

Why not hang around and even if you are trying not to post so much yourself you may find that you can help others by replying to them.

I don't think that anyone would call you a nuisance either.

21-08-11, 14:07
it would be sad for you to go .....you have only just started the over fifties thread for group fun and support:yesyes:

reconsider eh? I read your posts and have no answer cos I am thinking the same thoughts as you re health ...............but get comfort to know I am not the only one . And we have had a laugh at ourselves too .
take care

saffy f
21-08-11, 16:48
When my anx is high I feel paranoid about everything and that I'm being a burden on people,even when they assure me I'm not.I haven't been on here for a couple of weeks as been on my hols and am feeling really good at moment but when i felt rubbish was on here alot,reading and posting,thats what this fab site is for.
Please stay and don't worry.I can assure you no one is thinking the things you imagine.
Take care and hope you soon feel better. x

21-08-11, 17:06
No need to stop posting Michael, unless you feel that would be better for YOU. I don't think anybody has a problem with you, only empathy with you and sympathy for you xx

21-08-11, 18:16
I have recently looked back over my old posts and found myself going on and on. When anxiety is high it can make us overthink and need somewhere to talk.
I can understand as I get there myself at times when feeling frantic.

Gemma T
21-08-11, 20:07
No need for apologises, thats what this site is for. Im forever banging on about oral cancer and most of you guys would be aware my gp and dentist have no concerns. It can be embarrassing for ourselves but please be assured that this is a personal feeling and not the feeling of those on here reading our posts. It dont matter what illness or concerns our thoughts are about the point of this site is to offload and talk about them. Dont bottle it up. If you feel your posting too much PM me.

Its also good to come on here and show others support. Even if you dont have the exact experiences its good to to be there for other people. We need each other if we are to get through this


Gemma x x x

21-08-11, 21:31
You have nothing to apologise for Michael .:shrug::shrug:.Hope you feel in a different frame of mind today? .Anxiety can make you feel pretty sensitive at times ,esecially when you are coming or have come off medication ..Hope to see you back soon hun T.C lUV Sue xx:hugs:

Veronica H
21-08-11, 22:16
:bighug1:You have made many valuable contributions here Michael. No need to apologise. I hope you feel better soon.


21-08-11, 22:26
Please don't apologise xxxxx