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  1. Period and covid
  2. Getting really fed up of my breast pain.
  3. Tiny spots on breast rash and lump underneath
  4. Does anyone elses health anxiety get worse just before period?
  5. Abnormal bleeding
  6. OC Worries
  7. What do your breasts feel like?
  8. Smear coming up in April worries
  9. Breast tingling and pain on one side
  10. Breast lumps and bumps need some reassurance
  11. Please could someone help me calm down😢
  12. So scared - breast biopsy next week
  13. Feeling really stupid! Boob dimples
  14. Lump in middle of my arm pit
  15. Gynae Oncology Referral
  16. New bleeding after sex/before period
  17. Multiple breast indentations/dimples
  18. Mammogram anxiety
  19. Weird period, worried!
  20. Put on 2 week gynae pathway - terrified!
  21. Long period - worrying more than I want to be
  22. Perimenopausal or anxiety/depression?
  23. Very sore and swollen down below
  24. Keep checking breast, how to break to cycle
  25. Referal to Breast Clinic
  26. Endometriosis? Something else?
  27. Period stop/start
  28. Bruised pain under right boob - can now feel swelling
  29. Awaiting scan after high ca125 test
  30. Paget’s breast disease?
  31. Post-coital bleed/ thrush
  32. Breast pain - how to stop worrying?
  33. Pelvic organ prolapse
  34. Worried about cramping and pain
  35. Anxious after vaginal ultrasound
  36. Brest lump
  37. IBC
  38. Z shaped puckering one month after mammo
  39. Hrt peri and anxiety
  40. Serious Mammogram Anxiety
  41. Hysteroscopy or not ?
  42. Diagnosed with stage 4 endometriosis and worried my life is over
  43. Got myself in an absolute state about OC
  44. Having Periods/Bleeding Close Together Worries?
  45. Pelvic Pain - Ovarian Cancer Fear
  46. Breast rash- my HA automatically jumps to IBC!
  47. Smear Test Fears
  48. Hydrosalpinx Diagnosis Concern
  49. Breast lump. Downward spiral
  50. Nipple discharge - freaking out
  51. Breast clinic appt tomorrw
  52. Scary ultrasound result ovarian cyst
  53. Can someone help me understand my breast ultrasound results?
  54. Please read guys, nervous about smear
  55. Period not stopping
  56. Bleeding after menopause now I have a gynaecology referral
  57. Checking vagina
  58. Is it more common for older new moms to have heart attacks after giving birth?
  59. Breast Ultrasound
  60. Perimenopause
  61. Mirena Coil Side Effects
  62. Is this pregnancy or perimenopause?
  63. Uneven nipple height
  64. Sudden severe pain on right ovary? Improvement but still sore
  65. Pelvic pain post miscarriage
  66. Gynae worries
  67. Mastitis or ibc
  68. Breast lumps - please help
  69. Vaginal prolapse or hard mass
  70. Ovarian pain - full on panic
  71. Left side breast pain - mixed results from scans
  72. Same symptom different year
  73. Does nipple direction change when you bend forward?
  74. Anyone have a history of abnormal mammograms?
  75. Help postmenopausal bleeding
  76. Discoloration
  77. Vulvoscopy/colposcopy on period?
  78. Large fibroid and uterine prolapse concern
  79. Cervical cancer fears..need support please!!
  80. Corpus luteum or something else?!?!
  81. Perimenopause?
  82. Please help. Going on holiday tomorrow and just found a new breast indent when lying
  83. Mammogram fears
  84. Breast pain - terrified
  85. dent/dimple on possible breast tissue
  86. Can I give myself BC from prodding?
  87. Anxiety spiral
  88. Hello all been Googling and I’m scared 😳
  89. Smear booked but how do I make myself go
  90. Miss the old me...
  91. Breast pain
  92. Brown period blood
  93. Abnormal uterine bleeding isn't always THAT bad, right?
  94. Breast Pain
  95. 😭Third HPV positive and normal smear. Referred for Colposcopy.
  96. Is my mini-pill causing my anxiety and depression to worsen?!
  97. Not sure what to do… boob drama
  98. Postmenopausal Bleeding
  99. BV? - worried about my wife.
  100. Period didn’t arrive this month
  101. I'm scared my HPV will worsen before I can get a smear test!!
  102. Periods getting shorter and lighter
  103. Smear test results delay
  104. Two week referral - so anxious
  105. Women - Brown Discharge For A Week After Period
  106. Perimenopause
  107. Scared I have breast cancer
  108. TSS fear
  109. Mammogram worry
  110. Breast IBC spiral
  111. complex ovarian cyst waiting on ca125 results and terrified. falling apart
  112. Referred to breast clinic - again!
  113. Cervical ectropion - feeling worried
  114. Cervical smear result abnormal cells - scared!!!
  115. Gynae issues - at a real low today
  116. Endo tests and treatment worries
  117. Cervical polyps removal
  118. Worried about Mum - endometrial biopsy
  119. Breast lump and left breast pain
  120. Really struggling with the idea of a hospital appointment at Christmas (breast clinic
  121. Left breast hard and lumpy before last two menstrual cycles
  122. Worried…blood on tissue after sex
  123. Lump in genital area
  124. Leaking fluid
  125. Anxiety over weird irregular bleeding/strange cycle!!
  126. 3 month wait for colposcopy
  127. Uterine polyp - scared!
  128. Gristly/Bulgy Right Breast/Armpit - Referral to clinic
  129. Possible adams apple in female? Terrified
  130. Fear of breast cancer now
  131. Fear of breast cancer now
  132. Pink Spotting After Sex
  133. Cervical polyp
  134. Smelly bleeding after colposcopy/biopsy
  135. pink discharge?
  136. Acid reflux and menopause
  137. Worrying about the possibility of ovarian cancer
  138. Cervical Cancer Fears
  139. Late period?
  140. Early period - freaking out
  141. Uti won’t go away
  142. Swollen breast from prodding and ultrasound
  143. Bulge in breast..
  144. Perimenopause
  145. Labia lump? :(
  146. Issues following uti
  147. Solid mass on ovary, super scared! :-( Any advice?
  148. Panicked about heavy bleeding
  149. Freaking out over pelvic ultrasound result
  150. Endometrial Biopsy - Waiting for Results (due to prolonged bleeding)
  151. Possible spotting mid cycle
  152. Worried about my mum - cancer of the uterus
  153. Pink discharge after end of period
  154. Please Help! Terrified of Uterine, Ovarian or Cervical Cancer
  155. Period longer than normal
  156. Constantly need to pee after cystitis/UTI & antibiotics
  157. Ovarian pain that alternates on both sides
  158. Bleeding after sex at end of period
  159. Breast/nipple question for the ladies - postmenopausal
  160. Post menopausal bleeding.
  161. Conflicting breast ultrasound and mammogram. Scared!
  162. Worried sick over ovarian cancer fear
  163. 3 months postpartum - hard irregular breast lump
  164. Spotting between periods driving me insane
  165. Bite-like boil and red mark on breast
  166. Breast lump, muscle or ribcage
  167. Cervical Cancer... Please help I'm terrified :(
  168. White spot on areola
  169. Petrified about right breast situation, please read and help with advice
  170. Mammograms
  171. Fluctuating Ca125 anyone??
  172. Breast dimple has grown! How bad is this?
  173. Complex Ovarian Cyst
  174. Pink discharge after sex
  175. Back… with breast pain
  176. I need a biopsy…..
  177. Breast anxiety and pregnant
  178. Quick question for the ladies - breast checking
  179. Indent/dimple worry..
  180. Ladies Only please...
  181. I’m afraid I’ll never be able to have kids
  182. Pinkish discharge, really worried
  183. Shorter Period this cycle
  184. Complex ovarian cyst
  185. Anyone know anything about cyst on ovaries
  186. Benign results after breast biopsy for microcalcifications?
  187. Ladies Only Please
  188. Brown/pink discharge for 3 months
  189. Smear test - couldn't find cervix?
  190. Brown spotting and I'm so scared!
  191. HRT
  192. Spotting - could somebody please talk me down?
  193. Bleeding for over 7 days? & irregular spotting - scared!!
  194. Women of a certain age...
  195. Sex question! Advice, Experience, Wisdom, Encouragement?
  196. Is it ever advisable to watch and wait?
  197. Anyone experienced birth control making their anxiety worse?
  198. Bleeding after sex, really struggling
  199. Womb biopsy and anemia
  200. Confused regarding yearly smear test?
  201. Cervical ectropion at 38 - please respond x
  202. Spotting for months now, I'm really struggling with it
  203. IBC worries, waiting for breast clinic appointment
  204. Uterine polyp and ovarian cyst?
  205. Breast lumps
  206. 3 year recall despite abnormal cells before? Anxious about this...
  207. Upcoming Pap smear anxiety
  208. 20 year old - pain/spotting and heavy periods with clots
  209. Hard lump inside...
  210. Should your cervix be perfectly circular....
  211. Breast reassurance after appointment
  212. Starting periods
  213. Afraid of Mammogram. Had Them Before, I’m Just Pathetic.
  214. Just venting after paintful ultrasound
  215. Callback after ultrasound - so scared of BC, please help!!
  216. Really scared, pelvic discomfort and spotting
  217. Armpit pain is driving me insane
  218. Odds of pelvic cancer
  219. Breast worries again
  220. Ultrasound fears - hyperechoic endometrium. Age 29 :( x
  221. Endometrium thickness 19.3mm
  222. Blood blister type lump on breast, should I be worried?
  223. Spotting instead of period. Worried
  224. Wart on labia? Same partner for 16yrs
  225. Nipple discharge and HPV: a rant
  226. Forgot to take pill for two days. When will I be safe? Panicking a little.
  227. Chronic vaginal thrush and Vulvodynia
  228. Do all women check their breasts regularly?
  229. Breast Issues
  230. Bubble/skin tag thing next to hymen
  231. Sore nipples and breasts
  232. GP breast checks
  233. spot on labia majora
  234. Mammogram results
  235. Pain/pressure when urinating, spots of blood
  236. Lump in vagina?
  237. Spiralling over OVARIAN CANCER!
  238. Irregular bleeding between periods
  239. Had mirena coil fitted due to adenomyosis
  240. Ultrasound people told me nothing- why?
  241. Morning after pill really worried.....
  242. Cramps but no period, panicking.
  243. UTI - antibiotics worry
  244. Daughters period 10 days early
  245. Postmenopause breast pain
  246. Never ending heavy bleeding
  247. Breast lump
  248. Overdue smear and freaking out
  249. Nurse couldn't find my cervix!
  250. Breast pain/Sore nipple