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  1. who else fears future cancers?
  2. Please help. CA125 panic
  3. Cervical cancer worries
  4. Prolapse
  5. Hard tiny lump on inner labia
  6. Anxiety spiraling out of control-nipple discharge?
  7. Smear fear
  8. Spiral again - Breast Cancer
  9. Breast cancer fear rash on breast???
  10. Breast pain
  11. Scared of breast cancer
  12. Scared I have ovarian or cervical cancer
  13. Eurgh
  14. Brown discharge
  15. Bleeding for 2 years and 3 months
  16. Fears about female cancer taking over my life
  17. menopausal discharge
  18. Pregnancy scare(NSFW)
  19. Spotting for 8-9 days?
  20. Late period, light brownish discharge. Help please!!
  21. Scared I have ovarian cancer
  22. worried about cervical cancer/ovarian
  23. How long for smear results?
  24. scared of my breasts
  25. Severe breast assymetry
  26. Cold symptoms
  27. Clear nipple discharge - not pregnant. Really worried
  28. Trapped air bubble in vagina - feeling !?
  29. Area below nipple itching and flaky
  30. smear test
  31. Spotting worries (again)
  32. Period pain after period ends?
  33. Urination and bladder problems
  34. Stupid boobs
  35. Breast lumps
  36. PMDD-Learning and dealing
  37. Light period after a heavy period the previous month?
  38. Round ligament pain without being pregnant?
  39. Pregnant worried about bladder issues
  40. Scared with no answers :(
  41. A little blood after "messing around" with partner
  42. Wife pregnant or menopause? Question for the ladies re perimeno
  43. Perimenopause???
  44. Fresh blood at end of period?
  45. Random ovary pain, not preg, not near ovulation
  46. pcos fears
  47. Ovarian cancer worry
  48. Cervical Ectropian - why oh why did I Google?
  49. Pain in breast
  50. Pelvic pain for last week - ladies issues
  51. Cycle day 8, spotting and cramps
  52. 5 weeks and still nothing [emoji24]
  53. Period pains
  54. Pain in one breast - and can't make my mammogram appointment :-(
  55. Itchy red breast
  56. Three small lumps, itchy and sore breast
  57. Need some info about breast pain please
  58. Just wanted to say thanks
  59. Lady problems
  60. Abnormally heavy period? On pill for years
  61. Boobs update and question about hives.
  62. Fear of uterine cancer
  63. New to breast exams - is this normal?
  64. Tiredness
  65. Is this perimenopause
  66. Itchy nipples and breast pain
  67. Pregnancy fear.
  68. Anxiety causing weird period?
  69. First Pap Smear- Afraid of Pain
  70. Early signs of IBC? (pics)
  71. Lady problems..
  72. Spotting
  73. Cramping and Spotting Mid Cycle on Pill - Cancer fear :(
  74. Lump under arm
  75. Life stress and now my cervical cancer fear is back full strength...
  76. Purple spot on breast
  77. My pregnancy fear is killing me
  78. worried about ovaries
  79. Scared have ovarian cancer 😔
  80. Curious...what does breast thickening feel like?
  81. Breast Cancer Anxiety?
  82. Ladies Issue Acid Reflux/Period Issues and worries
  83. Swimming tomorrow :(
  84. Burning pain in nipple
  85. Coming off the pill.
  86. INS and Ovarian Cancer
  87. Help - Late and light period.
  88. Nipple flattens why lying down
  89. Early period?
  90. Help Period Early
  91. Constant bleeding on cerelle/cerezette
  92. Severe cramps but no period!
  93. Darker, itching, enflamed spot on labia...?
  94. Terrified of possible sperm allergy and anaphylaxis
  95. Red Dots/Crusty Nipple in 20's? Breast cancer fear :(
  96. Thick jelly like discharge.
  97. Smear Result
  98. Ovarian cancer worries again
  99. Please answer
  100. Menstruation Issues!! Amenorrhea!
  101. Endometrial thickness 14 mm
  102. Sore breasts, brown discharge, emotional wreck
  103. Irregular periods
  104. Bleeding during sex
  105. Spotting (again!)
  106. Tingling nipple!! Breast cancer fear!
  107. Can't cope
  108. Breast lump found :(
  109. Miserable during period!
  110. Anxious about Fiancé
  111. Worried about inflammatory breast cancer
  112. I keep thinking I’m pregnant
  113. Breast pumping found a new lump.
  114. Scared about Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder
  115. BB or bead in breast
  116. Possible to feel an ovary cyst? :/
  117. Cervical pain
  118. Is anyone else worried about their smear test? I'm so scared right now...
  119. Chronic itchy!
  120. What is an area of breast thickening! Please help!
  121. Strange Mark below bikini line
  122. Survived my first OB-GYN visit in eight years!
  123. Waiting for Pap smear results
  124. Is this a sign of cervical cancer?
  125. breast pains + lump that was there seems to have disappeared?
  126. Ovarian cancer fear
  127. Spotting between periods - freaking out
  128. brown blood. Very scared. PLEASE resond
  129. Breast problem.. losing my mind
  130. Late perimenopause and a missing period
  131. Breast lump/ pain!!
  132. What does your cyst feel like?
  133. non urgent pap test results
  134. Nipple discharge
  135. Sertraline Discontinuation - Now bleeding for two weeks?!
  136. Ladies - bleeding and normal smear (sorry if tmi)
  137. Dent in breast
  138. Ovary problems, bleeding...need to rant
  139. post menopausal bleeding. PLEASE respnd
  140. Stains in underwear, don't know what it's coming from!
  141. Scared my mother has ovarian cancer
  142. One breast is lower?
  143. Toxic shock syndrome?? (Tmi)
  144. Cervical erosion
  145. nabothian cyst and cryotherapy
  146. Please Help:Severe Period Cramps, Dizziness, Turning Pale, Sweating, Weakness
  147. Panicking about BC - a month after mammo!
  148. (NSFW) Worried about Vaginal tearing
  149. Breast pain?
  150. Spot on breast
  151. Ovarian cancer fear
  152. Fibroadenoma or breast cancer?
  153. Scared about breast cancer
  154. Scared of being pregnant
  155. sebaceous cyst private area - anyone? seb
  156. Painful breast “bump”?
  157. Lost my virginity, really paranoid I am pregnant..
  158. 16 and (hopefully not) Pregnant
  159. Antibiotics and menstrual cycle?
  160. Repeating bruise on the same place on breast
  161. Pain in vagina when urinating
  162. Mild cramping in Uterus and lower back after period
  163. Need advice please - going out of my mind
  164. Sizeable Ovarian cyst
  165. Can the morning after pill affect your whole cycle?
  166. Fast growing fibroids after birth - please help
  167. Ovarian cancer panic
  168. Period after 10 months and I'm 52
  169. Brown stains in front of underwear?!
  170. Blood clot in period, it's really scared me
  171. Spiraling anxiety and Gyno appt tomorrow
  172. female issues
  173. Itchy spot and redness on breast- freaking out help!!
  174. Missed/late period??
  175. spotting day before period
  176. Ovulation nipples
  177. Doctor said I might have ovarian cancer - feeling frightened
  178. Irregular Periods ?
  179. Pregnancy & Obstetric Cholestasis
  180. Abnormal pap and colposcopy, terrified
  181. Slightly bleeding/pain between periods
  182. Always spotting?
  183. Mid Cycle Bleeding, is this Ovarian Cancer
  184. breast worries
  185. Does PCOS increase the risk of ovarian cancer,?
  186. Heavy to moderate bleeding and passing large clots when stressed
  187. 6 months post-pill and missed periods
  188. smear tests
  189. Brown discharge between periods, weird feelings etc. Relapse with HA!
  190. Sex question
  191. Ovarian Cyst - possible cancer, terrified
  192. Thrush and bladder issues
  193. WWYD? Health Anxiety kicking in before holiday. Breast cancer fear.
  194. Am I having normal spotting?
  195. Periods Two Weeks Apart? Perimenopause?
  196. Breast exam?
  197. Fear of breast cancer
  198. Period issue -Maybe TMI-💩
  199. Colposcopy worry
  200. Spotting, cramping, painful sex - thoughts appreciated
  201. Brown liquid on paper after peeing
  202. boil down under
  203. Another question about Perimenoupause from a husband--wife bleeding for two weeks?
  204. Breast pain-can’t stop fearing the worst
  205. PCOS, Spotting, No Period...NOT PREGNANT!
  206. Large Breast Mass - Petrified :(
  207. Pelvic pain
  208. Mum has a ultrasound soon, terrified.
  209. New here - Pelvic pain & cancer fears
  210. Sore Nipple
  211. Could my local STI clinic help with this?
  212. When will birth control start to help irregular bleeding?
  213. My period's a week overdue and I'm scared...
  214. Persistent left ovary pain
  215. extreme breast cancer anxiety
  216. Ovary pain / irregular bleeding
  217. Ovarian cancer worries
  218. Has anyone tried Tranexamic Acid for bleeding?
  219. Pap test phobia and mid cycle spotting.
  220. lump in pubic area
  221. Early Menopause/Citalopram
  222. Menorrhagia
  223. Question for ladies! Period worries
  224. Myths and Facts About Back Pain
  225. trusting doctors
  226. End of period Grey looking discharge.
  227. Ovulation pain or something worse
  228. Breast lump concerns and musings
  229. Persistant weeing
  230. Irritated Nipple/Pagets Fear :(
  231. Genital Psoriasis
  232. Would love some positive stories
  233. TMI/intimate question about toxic shock syndrome
  234. Breast lump.
  235. Does anyone have advice on vaginal discharge...?
  236. Period/Ladies questions.
  237. One for the ladies
  238. breast lump worries all over again. please help me
  239. Lumps lumps lumps
  240. Between Cycles pain, spotting and mucus
  241. Ovarian Cancer
  242. My wife has had some uterine issues, finally getting help, I need your help ladies.
  243. I'm having pregnancy paranoia again... Discharge related...
  244. Breast Dent
  245. Found a small lump on cervix :(
  246. Ladies please can boob stretchmarks look slightly dimpled
  247. Cervical Cancer Worry for partner
  248. Brown discharge
  249. Breast lump
  250. Lymph node lump in breast