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  1. going cold turkey
  2. Ssri's and personal tolerability
  3. Horrible stomach pains advice needed
  4. Genesight medication testing?
  5. How worried should i be about my longterm use of Nexium
  6. Terrified of Ativan--Will Update
  7. Increased dose of Quetiapine - more anxious?
  8. Website With Incorrect SSRI Information
  9. Testosterone Therapy
  10. Switched from Cymbalta to Viibryd
  11. Should I keep on pushing through or try meds again?
  12. Citalopram withdrawal hell
  13. Is Zopiclone stronger than Promethazine for insomnia?
  14. Phenibut - nootropic
  15. Trimethropim side effects
  16. What do you do when no meds work?
  17. Increased anxiety when upping meds
  18. Tobacco vs Lorazepam
  19. pharmaceutical industry and their 'reinventions'
  20. CBD
  21. Amoxicillin query
  22. Different Benzo’s...
  23. Promazine,
  24. How to know when to switch meds?
  25. What have you been prescribed to help with anti d weight gain?
  26. Benzo shame
  27. Super sensitive to meds? Low doses more effective?
  28. Been prescribed 10mg of Citalopram, don't know if to take it after my last SSRI exper
  29. Cetirizine question
  30. Xanax daily? Don’t want to be addicted
  31. Whats the best medication thats fast acting for anxiety?
  32. Propecia has a therapeutic effect on my anxiety?
  33. Clarithromycin worry
  34. Promethazine 25mg
  35. Seroxat?paxil withdrawal and Mirtazapine/Remeron maybe?
  36. Can missing a few doses cause migraines and mild nausea?
  37. Loosing weight coming off mirtazapine
  38. Estrogen for anxiety and depression
  39. SSRI withdrawal, do Beta Blockers help
  40. atorvastatin and alcohol
  41. Queer eye article - med withdrawal etc
  42. How many drugs? Can't get over the stigma!
  43. Free CBT Prog at CBT4Panic
  44. Has anyone tried Buspar/buspirone?
  45. Clindamycin
  46. Forxiga/Farxiga (Dapagliflozin)
  47. Which medication is usually better to treat GAD: venlafaxine or escitalopram?
  48. Sodium Valproate/Depakote/Epilim
  49. Getting different antibiotics
  50. St John's wort inositol and promethazine
  51. Trintellix (Vortioxetine)
  52. Inositol? Anyone know anything?
  53. Temazipan
  54. Buscopan.
  55. List of drugs my brother is on please help!
  56. Is it okay to take both Sertraline and caffeine?
  57. Nortriptyline (pamelor)?
  58. What can I take instead of Escitalopram? Advice needed.
  59. Zopiclone 7.5mg
  60. Help !!!!
  61. Scared of getting kidney cancer or failure from ppi’s!
  62. Xanax
  63. Slow Release Morphine for Severe Endometriosis
  64. Medication Interaction
  65. Medication fears
  66. Switching from SSRI to something else?
  67. Antidepressants and insomnia
  68. Best non drowsy PRN MED
  69. Flupentixol
  70. Reboxetine/Edronax
  71. Bisoprolol - beta blocker
  72. Codiene
  73. Discontinuing meds
  74. valproate/valproic acid for social anxiety
  75. what are some meds that can be used off-label for anxiety?
  76. Klonapin Wean Schedule?
  77. Daily Benzodiapm
  78. Best time to take medications
  79. Should I switch meds?
  80. Ramipril
  81. Worried about doxycycline antibiotics for minor infection
  82. Fear of medication, bad side effects
  83. Ciprofloxacin long term side effects
  84. Antibiotics resistance
  85. I have no idea about medication.
  86. Best antidepressant with least initial side effects
  87. Meds linked to dementia..
  88. High Anxiety/depression - Tricyclic and other med suggestions.
  89. has anyone ever taken Stemetil for balance/vertigo disorder??
  90. What is Your Best Antidepressant Recommendation?
  91. I mixed melatonin and painkillers.. Freaking out
  92. Zopiclone
  93. Anyone had success increacing?
  94. Ditching escitalopram: what do I switch to? Advice please.
  95. When no ADs work
  96. Can a medication start working again?
  97. Tramadol for anxiety relief
  98. How long is it okay to take beta blockers for?
  99. Cross Taper Zoloft to Prozac- Very scared, New
  100. Accidentally Overdosed on Allergy Medicine
  101. Lofepramine anyone?
  102. Brain fog
  103. Ativan/Lorazepam
  104. Duac - bright red bumpy face
  105. How bad exactly are antibiotics...
  106. Is Clonidine Safe? Scared to take it.
  107. Lorazepam or diazepam?
  108. Ensure Liquid/Drink
  109. Lorazepam and omeprazole. Very anxious for some information.
  110. amoxicillin scare. Tell me some good story's
  111. PPI Help
  112. Who here has use probiotics while on a antibiotic
  113. Ativan / Lorazepam dosage
  114. Changing inhalers
  115. How to approach going off of medication?
  116. Switching over
  117. Does anyone on here take meds like beta blockers for bp?
  118. Obstructive sleep apnea may be one reason depression treatment doesn’t work
  119. No motivation to go see psychiatrist
  120. Diazepam - I screwed up big time
  121. Mianserin or Tolvon
  122. Terrified of serotonin syndrome
  123. 5-HTP
  124. Why more depression [& anxiety] treatments should include exercise
  125. Can AD poop out after only a few month?
  126. Desvenlafaxine anyone?
  127. How easy is it to cure depression with meditation?
  128. Can I replace Quetiapine for sleep with an antihistamine
  129. Major review asks which supplements really aid mental health
  130. Taking medication
  131. Have you ever gotten a AD prescription off a dentist?
  132. Is it bad to mess about with AD dosages
  133. Can you take two SNRI together?
  134. Antibiotics possible reaction??
  135. How do ADs really work?
  136. Anyone been put on Folic Acid to help with Depression?
  137. Oxycodone
  138. ibiprofen = heart attack??
  139. Considering going back on AD’s
  140. Anyone take anything alongside Mirtazapine? Help required please.
  141. So, im allergic to cats.
  142. Omeprazole
  143. Length of time before effect of increased dosage can be seen?
  144. Zantac recall
  145. Question about antibiotic side effects
  146. Modern meds 2019
  147. Buspirone as an addition to SSRIs
  148. When (re)starting ADs ....
  149. Medication and sleep
  150. from Diazepam to Pregabelin
  151. Zantac Scare
  152. Antidepressants
  153. Started up my escitalopram (Lexapro)
  154. Folic acid
  155. Welbutrin XL for anxiety/panic?
  156. Med Recommendations for GAD, Panic, DP/DR & OCD?
  157. Ritalin (Chromosome Damage)
  158. Brintellix/Vorioxetine
  159. Bipolar meds
  160. Citalopram and Tramadol
  161. Long term antidepressant use - anyone?
  162. Imipramine, have I made the right choice?
  163. Changing meds
  164. Diazepam and alcohol... Am I paranoid?
  165. Scared of taking Paxil
  166. Recommended medication for catastrophic thinking?
  167. Buspirone + Lexapro
  168. Neurontin/gabapentin side effects?
  169. Anoro
  170. Anxiety / depression from medication?
  171. What is the strongest medication for sleep? Thank you
  172. Anyone experience with Faverin (fluvoxamine)
  173. Benzo dependance. How can I taper off?
  174. What does tolerance means? Does it have a limit?
  175. Anyone take Lorazepam?
  176. Fluoxetine
  177. Taking 1.5mg lorazepam for the first time.
  178. Need help ASAP please
  179. Been trying to manage without medication but is it time to give it a go?
  180. Lamotragine
  181. How did you know it was time to take medication?
  182. Started Valdoxan/Agomelatine today, feeling scared
  183. Whats the purpose of a telephone medication review?
  184. Amytriptyline and Venlafaxine
  185. Best anti inflammatory tablets while on citalopram
  186. Restarting SSRI's
  187. Cannabinoid (CBD) contraindicated w/- tricyclic ADs (TCAs), carbamazepine & clonidine
  188. Ketamine for PTSD? Ian?
  189. Rifaximin
  190. Amoxicillin health anxiety
  191. Metronidazole- feel horrendous muscle spasms
  192. Ziprasidone
  193. Mirtazapine and Olanzapine
  194. Omeprazole
  195. Doctor just upped my promazine.
  196. Severe Tooth Infection
  197. Pharmacy have forgotton to order my Camcolit
  198. Escitalopram and amitriptyline together
  199. Are benzos really all that bad
  200. Cymbalta for health anxiety
  201. PPI long term side effect worries
  202. Bisoprolol
  203. Medication
  204. Promazine ... can't live on it, can't live without it
  205. Vortioxetine Anyone tried this for treatment resistant depression and GAD
  206. On and off Welbutrin (bufrofin)
  207. Need help diazepam taper while depressed
  208. Alprazolam/Xanax for nighttime anxiety?
  209. Trintellix/Vortioxetine...Nausea
  210. Ramipril and Conceiving
  211. Why are SSRI’s too stimulating !!!!!!
  212. Aldomet?
  213. Mirtazapine, diazepam and propranolol concurrent use
  214. Anyone else on Trintellix
  215. Amlodipine and fertility / getting pregnant?
  216. Is Zyban any good
  217. Co Amoxiclav
  218. Diabetes type 2
  219. Last option.
  220. What is tianeptine
  221. Clonodine for anxiety
  222. Medication problem
  223. Vortioxetine - feeling so anxious and low
  224. Worried about being on SSRI's for so long and possible dangers of long term use.
  225. Taking a new med, want some advice.
  226. Switching from Escitalopram to clomipramine
  227. Why most Antidepressants don't work for me: turns out I have a nonfunctional gene
  228. Worried about heart with taking Trazodone.
  229. Promethazine
  230. How long have you been on an antidepressant please answer
  231. Lofepramine to sertraline
  232. Bp medication
  233. Suggestions and advice needed please.
  234. Venlafaxine help
  235. Wellbutrin
  236. UTI-anyone taken Keflex/Cephalexin
  237. At my wit's end with medication and therapy
  238. Possible accidental double dose of Bisoprolol?
  239. What is left for me to try?? SSRIs make me suicidal and Trazadone made me not functio
  240. Alternating zopiclone and nytol
  241. Whats going on ?
  242. Lemborexant instead of Mirtazapine
  243. Fast heart rate after switching AD
  244. Phernergan (promethazine hydrochloride)
  245. Chlorpromazine 25mg
  246. stopping fluvoxamine
  247. Fluvoxamine help
  248. Lofepramine? Advice please
  249. Lansoprazole 15mg
  250. New medication confusion