View Full Version : Propranolol / Inderal

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  1. 80mg slow release
  2. 12 years then taken off
  3. Stopping 80mg sr
  4. First time propranolol concerns
  5. Just took my first 10mg tablet
  6. To go on meds or not? Advice needed please
  7. Propranolol
  8. just took my first tablet
  9. Tension headaches from this med? Please help
  10. This medication is making me feel awful
  11. headaches from propanopolol
  12. Restless
  13. Propanalol
  14. Propranolol and low mood?
  15. Propranolol high doses
  16. propanolol taken as and when required
  17. Has anyone found this medication good for general anxiety?
  18. Just been prescribed, slightly anxious to take. Some questions!
  19. Advice needed
  20. Propananol
  21. Driving solution
  22. Will Propranolol help these symptoms?
  23. Propranolol
  24. On proprananol 10 days now
  25. Propranolol
  26. Started 10mg propranolol
  27. Propranolol
  28. propranolol
  29. Health anxiety and Propranolol
  30. headaches with propranalol ???
  31. ANOTHER propanalol question
  32. Started on 2x10mg is this a small dose?
  33. Citalopram/Beta Blockers
  34. Help and advice
  35. Help doses too close together
  36. New to propranolol
  37. Newbie to Propranolol - any advice welcome!
  38. Had to speak in a meeting today......
  39. Getting off Propanolol - abruptly?!
  40. Worry if I forget to take Propranolol?
  41. New to Propranolol
  42. Blood pressure, panic attacks and propranolol
  43. Will I be okay having missed 4 days without propranolol/beta blockers?
  44. Propranolol - tiredness
  45. Propranolol
  46. New to Propranolol
  47. Morning after first Propanolol
  48. Propranolol reduction
  49. Want To Reduce Propranolol But Worried About Heart?
  50. propranolol/dry mouth symptoms/ trouble swallowing
  51. Being a bit paranoid about possible propranolol interactions.
  52. Stopping Propanolol
  53. Propranolol question
  54. New on Propranodol.
  55. Long term side effects Music looping hallucinations and tinnitus
  56. Propranolol and Asthma
  57. Propranolol and historic asthma
  58. Propranolol question
  59. Propranolol concern need advice please Im stressing out
  60. Doe's anyone take propranolol
  61. Propranolol and blood pressure
  62. Propranolol and rollercoasters
  63. Best time to take Propranolol
  64. Propranolol Mental Side Affects.
  65. Propranolol/Beta Blocker Long Term Side Effects for Anxiety?
  66. Quick Question About Propranolol Reduction?
  67. Scared to start propranolol 10 mg